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The Betrayal of Men, by Men


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It seems to me that many men have been reduced to this hollow shell of their former selves. As a friend said to me rather eloquently.


"This is how bad it's gotten. Being "honorable" as a male has been reduced to finger wagging your own gender and admitting you're bad."



Holding your own gender to a higher standard than the other is an act of betrayal that will have serious consequences for both genders in time. Taking responsibility for the actions of others is a fine way of ignoring your own.

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This guy believes he can fight "rape-culture" by writing a poem about it whilst spinning in a circle. If he's serious about it, why does he stop at rape? He should write poems about wars, cancer, AIDS, national debt, anything really.


I just can't take people like them seriously.

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Yeah, you know things are bad when a certain group of people is asked to bear the sins of everyone else. This video was commissioned by the white ribbon campaign. I saw one of their representatives in a YouTube video recently. He participated in a TV panel discussion about the role of men in the 21st century. I looked up the mission statement of their organisation and they have the goal of ending male-perpetrated violence against women.


Why stop at women? I wasn't particularly surprised, but I still had a bad taste in my mouth. Our modern-day societies can't function if violence against men suddenly became unacceptable. They should have called themselves the white knight campaign.

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I was thinking, perhaps a poem by a woman taking responsibility for all the women that bring up these violent men. They would seem to have more influence on them than the world of other men they will never meet.


But in all seriousness men, in the words of Rebecca Watson, 'A word to the wise guyz, don't do that'.

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So this guy was watching rapes go by without doing anything?! What an unbelievable asshole!


...or did I misunderstand?


The camera work is pretty great though, and he's a good lookin' guy. Add some soft rhymes and it no longer matters if what he's saying makes any sense at all.


The best protectors of women against sexual assaults are the men women are married to. And since this is heavily documented and available to anyone who cares to look, why doesn't this guy prescribe marriage to women?


Where is the hip poem telling women to stop abusing children?

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Love the video (sarcasm) 

-"Men, we know we have softness in us"- yes we do, but lots of us have been taught that this softness is a weakness, hm what do women call soft men again?  Oh yeah thats right (mamas boy, mhm)

-"Men take of this mask" -- Not really sure what is it he means here, I mean I personally do know (thanks to self education/exploration and therapy) but to the rest of the public it is nothing but a poetic statemnet

-"Men lets stop violence"  --Wow I mean just wow, really that easy?  Nike commerical?  Just do it?  I take it all we have to do is wish it away?  I guess libraries full of Psychotherapy books were witten for nothing, I guess millions of therapists have their jobs for no reason, after all we can just stop!?  Hm, just wow


And finally the gender garbage, again with this?  We as men were brought up to believe that our feelings mean jack shit, that we as men are not suppose to feel, the all familiar -"dont act like a girl" the very first time a "boy" shows volnurable emotion.  We, men, who were brought up with fucking guns as toys, becasue you know, it is us men who are expendable we men get sent to war, to die.  We men have gender specific classes.  We MEN who are not suppose to let our emotions to be seen, yet we deeply feel, keeping all of our emotions in, afraid to be judged for those very emotions, eventually all emotions turn into pain, then into anger WE MEN?   I just feel like saying "fuck you" to this moron, from the bottom of my heart.  He can take this poem and shove it where the sun dont shine.  I hope he goes away, just the same way all other fads have gone, so the real people, who know whats up, can continue doing their work.

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The best protectors of women against sexual assaults are the men women are married to. And since this is heavily documented and available to anyone who cares to look, why doesn't this guy prescribe marriage to women?


Indeed, except since they want their cake and eat it, they default to all the white knights that fake that protection with rhetorical verbage, hyperbole and of course a form of male shaming. It seems that what we say as men has more value than what we actually do.


Men have a great history in helping each other out and improving each other. I feel ashamed of these men that pretend at being men for the sake of a woman. Both men and women have benefited from our outright opposition to the views of women.

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As an "artist" (I'm a musician), I often feel very ashamed when I see people who use art as a means of persuasion. It really only takes one to write about vague moral platitudes in song/poem form in order for one to be able to influence people into becoming political about things that they hardly know the facts about. Exactly how educational was this video? Not really.


This particular poem also appeals to insecurity. It puts the viewer in a position where they are made to feel guilty of unconsciously doing things that hurt others. Also, it is accusatory as well as politically incorrect IMO. It is essentially saying that by virtue of my gender, I am guilty of oppression. 


The guy also appeals to the silent bystander argument, but twists it into saying that men who are silent bystanders to rape jokes are guilty of vicariously causing rape. This of course implies that since he himself is not silent, as demonstrated by his poem, that he is righteous and is helping prevent gender violence. I can say with a relatively high degree of confidence that this video has prevented exactly zero rapes. 


So this video is incredibly disingenuous because of the opportunity cost of fixing a problem by focusing on things that have relatively no impact on the grander scheme of things. Trying to stop gender oppression by making viral spoken word videos is a waste of time. 

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I was thinking, perhaps a poem by a woman taking responsibility for all the women that bring up these violent men. They would seem to have more influence on them than the world of other men they will never meet.


But in all seriousness men, in the words of Rebecca Watson, 'A word to the wise guyz, don't do that'.


I hope you're being ironic, because that Rebecca Watson situation with the elevator was ridiculous. If a guy propositions you in a way you consider creepy just decline. According to her there was no threatening body language or physical contact, just a weird invitation to have coffee in his room and talk about her presentation; It was clear he wanted to get laid, but so what? What bothers me about it is that her assumption that the guy might be rapey rather than just socially awkward or a player. To get on the internet later and blog about how scary it was to turn down this guy just makes it seem like men are aggressive, guilty, and that women should be careful of being around them in case we decide to get violent all of a sudden. 


Dawkins was right to criticize her by comparing her situation to women in the Middle East. I mean not having the ability to walk outside, dress how you please, or drive without risking being stoned to death puts her fears into proper perspective. It's crazy to me that we live in a world where an inappropriate invitation is assumed to be an attempt at sexual assault... That's sure to inspire confidence when approaching the ladies!

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Love the video (sarcasm) -"Men, we know we have softness in us"- yes we do, but lots of us have been taught that this softness is a weakness, hm what do women call soft men again?  Oh yeah thats right (mamas boy, mhm)-"Men take of this mask" -- Not really sure what is it he means here, I mean I personally do know (thanks to self education/exploration and therapy) but to the rest of the public it is nothing but a poetic statemnet-"Men lets stop violence"  --Wow I mean just wow, really that easy?  Nike commerical?  Just do it?  I take it all we have to do is wish it away?  I guess libraries full of Psychotherapy books were witten for nothing, I guess millions of therapists have their jobs for no reason, after all we can just stop!?  Hm, just wow And finally the gender garbage, again with this?  We as men were brought up to believe that our feelings mean jack shit, that we as men are not suppose to feel, the all familiar -"dont act like a girl" the very first time a "boy" shows volnurable emotion.  We, men, who were brought up with fucking guns as toys, becasue you know, it is us men who are expendable we men get sent to war, to die.  We men have gender specific classes.  We MEN who are not suppose to let our emotions to be seen, yet we deeply feel, keeping all of our emotions in, afraid to be judged for those very emotions, eventually all emotions turn into pain, then into anger WE MEN?   I just feel like saying "fuck you" to this moron, from the bottom of my heart.  He can take this poem and shove it where the sun dont shine.  I hope he goes away, just the same way all other fads have gone, so the real people, who know whats up, can continue doing their work.


Well put



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I hope you're being ironic, because that Rebecca Watson situation with the elevator was ridiculous. If a guy propositions you in a way you consider creepy just decline. According to her there was no threatening body language or physical contact, just a weird invitation to have coffee in his room and talk about her presentation; It was clear he wanted to get laid, but so what? What bothers me about it is that her assumption that the guy might be rapey rather than just socially awkward or a player. To get on the internet later and blog about how scary it was to turn down this guy just makes it seem like men are aggressive, guilty, and that women should be careful of being around them in case we decide to get violent all of a sudden.

And she later ended up saying was basically that she treats all men as potential rapists. A guilty until proven innocent sort of deal. Ostensibly, the only reason us guys don't rape is because we haven't found an opportunity yet to do it and get away with it.


Pretty vile.

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And she later ended up saying was basically that she treats all men as potential rapists. A guilty until proven innocent sort of deal. Ostensibly, the only reason us guys don't rape is because we haven't found an opportunity yet to do it and get away with it.


Pretty vile.


Yes, she is a degenerate thinker frankly.

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