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A Superbowl Commercial


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It would have to be funny and subtle.  Anything too serious is going to be flamed for being too "political".  It would have to be able to be interpreted as non-message-for-you-sir by the average viewer.  Possibly the greatest challenge an ad agency could have.  But most likely an expensive failure.

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Guest Exceptionalist
Somehow I don't see superbowl fans as being FDR's target audience. It's tantamount to a gym commercial in a McDonald's joint.



What do you know about the average McDonalds customer? I don't think that Mr BigMac or Mr Sugar-and-Fat is the typical customer. 

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As far as I know, the Superbowl is the most watched television event in the U.S.  The audience isn't football fans; it's anybody at a superbowl party, or who checks out the most talked about commercials after the fact.  How many moms/wives are begrudgingly watching the superbowl every year?  How many children are watching the superbowl every year? 


If nothing else, it could generate controversy.  I think to be most effective, it would have to make one strong and provocative point.  Better yet, ask one provocative question.  The trick, as I see it, would be doing something provocative, while still being clever/funny. 


I think you could find a way to make it work with circumcision, for example, not that mutilation isn't a serious issue, obviously.  What you'd really be looking for would be to get massive and simultaneous exposure.  FDR at the water cooler, so to speak. 


Suppose FDR crowdfunded 3 million dollars.  How might that be best spent?  I don't have the answer to that but a superbowl ad would be viewed live by 100+ million people.  If 1% checked out FDR, that's a million people, and a percentage of them donating at some point.  Of course this doesn't include all the people who would see the commercial after the fact.  Think youtube compilations of the best Superbowl Commercials.  It's about as close as you could get to doing a V for Vendetta on everyone's TV.  I think it's interesting to think about what I would do with a 30/60 second ad. 


We should have a contest; who can pitch the best idea for 30/60 second commercial.  That could be fun. 

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