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Gummy LSD Science Area on Freedomain Radio?


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Hi I am here because I am a FAN of Stefan, I seriously am, I am not a Troll Stefan can meet with me anytime and I think he would enjoy discussing Gummy LSD philosophy with me.  I feel Stefan is a White Swan Philosopher / Scientist as he has a classically trained mind.  I cannot debate anything with him because he is for lack of a better word...smarter...than me in the White Swan Arena. 


Everything he says I agree with, because again he is about Fact Not Fiction.  He is about the world that is Physical and not Hocus Pocus Mumbo Jumbo, and as much as I disagree with him on his Knowledge about Spirituality, I still MUST Agree with him, because with the Data we have available in Science today, the PROOF of EXISTENCE of GOD is not looking good. 


Without Stefan and the People on this forum who agree with him, we would all be living in the Dark Ages and debating the Age old question of how many angels can fit on the head of a pin...so thank everyone here for your Skeptisim and keep up the Great Work!


I would like to know if a part of the site could be devoted for GUMMY LSD?  This is a great tool for science, this allows Scientists and Phlosophers to question things at a Hocus Pocus Mumbo Jumbo Level by Realising it is NOT Solid Science but Gummy or LSD Science.  So if a Scieitist has a problem they can just be creative now and say, here is some Gummy LSD for you how about this...can black holes create time?  Can the Past be written into the Dark Matter...questions like this are not torn to shreds they are given strength to walk...but they are NOT to be taken Seriously.  It is more about Science Fiction than Science Fact...


Here is a Essay I wrote describing the GUMMY LSD....


Solid Science Development (SSD) the Science of Engineers and Doctors.  This is Life and Death Science.  It makes sure Bridges don't Collapse and Patients don't suffer or die.  This is what keeps us out of the Dark Ages and is not about Hocus Pocus mumbo jumbo.  It is Fact, Real and can be repeated.  You can bet your life on it.  This science is in the Envelope, signed sealed and delivered.  These are the White Swan Scientists.


Gummy Science Development (GSD) the Science of Research and Development where failure is not wanted but Expected.  From mistakes come learning and improvement's.  This pushes science to the edge of the envelope.  This comes from Science Fiction to Become Science Fact.  You may not want to bet your life on it.  Tries to push over new ideas to find weakness or improvement.  These are the Grey Swan Scientists.


Liquid Science Development (LSD) is the Science of Fiction.  Intelligence, Imagination, creativity, complete open mindedness and free to challenge Anything in Modern Day Science.   All accepted ideas in today's science are not only challenged, sometimes they are completely ignored or replaced with different thinking.  This pushes science out of the envelope and explores new possibilities.  Explores new ideas by helping teach the new ideas to walk.  But don't bet your life on it.  These are the Black Swan Scientists. 


Can we have an area for the GUMMY LSD Ideas to go in this Forum?  I am a Black Swan but the Ideas in Science I help to develop are Really Really Cool...not Right or Fact, they are in the Realms of Science FICTION....Not Science Fact, but like panning for gold, one day a Gummy LSD Idea may Pay Off.  Without Gummy LSD, Science is Stuck in the Mud and Stalls...Gummy LSD can give science Traction and Manoeuvrability as it is out of the Envelope and Free, but it is NOT Solid Science...so again do not bet your life on it...

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Never heard this terminology, but provided I understand you correctly, I don't have an issue with LSD provided it is funded voluntarily. Like investing in stocks, you put the most in the least risky options and make good gains, put less in the semi-risky options, and put some in the risky options and hope to make it big.


To borrow an idea from Richard Feynman, all scientific claims are based on guessing. Einstein made a guess that laws of physics are the same in all reference frames and that the speed of light was the same in all reference frames, and though he had reasons for this guess, it was a guess in the end. Physicist Paul Dirac guessed that anti-matter exists and just so happened to be right. In hearing far out theories, I think people miss the reality that almost everything they currently believed originated from a far out guess that just so happened to be right, even including Newton's laws.


I can understand your apprehension in making this topic and I hope you aren't misunderstood. Something strange about the libertarian community is that many don't like quantum mechanics and general relativity, I'd imagine because it feels like intellectual nonsense spouted out by a postmodernist tripping on acid while spinning in an office chair. In a free society, I'd imagine that science would be quite an area of interest and that people would invest into it in similar ways that they invest into stocks. I think the SSD would have the largest market share, but there'd also be a lot of interest in the LSD. I'd certainly invest into LSD.

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Never heard this terminology, but provided I understand you correctly, I don't have an issue with LSD provided it is funded voluntarily. Like investing in stocks, you put the most in the least risky options and make good gains, put less in the semi-risky options, and put some in the risky options and hope to make it big.


To borrow an idea from Richard Feynman, all scientific claims are based on guessing. Einstein made a guess that laws of physics are the same in all reference frames and that the speed of light was the same in all reference frames, and though he had reasons for this guess, it was a guess in the end. Physicist Paul Dirac guessed that anti-matter exists and just so happened to be right. In hearing far out theories, I think people miss the reality that almost everything they currently believed originated from a far out guess that just so happened to be right, even including Newton's laws.


I can understand your apprehension in making this topic and I hope you aren't misunderstood. Something strange about the libertarian community is that many don't like quantum mechanics and general relativity, I'd imagine because it feels like intellectual nonsense spouted out by a postmodernist tripping on acid while spinning in an office chair. In a free society, I'd imagine that science would be quite an area of interest and that people would invest into it in similar ways that they invest into stocks. I think the SSD would have the largest market share, but there'd also be a lot of interest in the LSD. I'd certainly invest into LSD.


I am glad you would like to invest in Liquid Science.  I am investing everything I have, but resources are Low, no internet being on of them.   I was thinking of some Liquid Science Development (LSD) Last night while thinking of the scientific method.   I was wondering how the scientific method might apply to LSD? 


If I am not mistaken here is the Scientific Method...


1. Formulation of a question...


2. Hypothesis...


3. Prediction...


4. Testing...


5. Analysis...


Might Testing and Analysis (4 and 5) below be left out in LSD, as LSD is ONLY Fiction so we wouldn't Physically Test or do Analysis, we could theorise but not physically test, so it is safe to use, so long as it is Defined as LSD...A doctor or engeneer wouldn't take any LSD and Apply it to a Patient or a Bridge because they would be betting someone's  life on it.  So Any-time a Grey Swan or White Swan is using LSD in a problem, quantum mechanics being an Example any LSD should be defined as LSD.   


Liquid science is so creative and free because there are no real expectations and it is Safe to use.  The More Creative and Flexable the Better the LSD.  There is no Right or Wrong as their is in SSD.


If using this structure of the 3 systems of Science.  The closer the GSD is to the LSD the greater the SSD...the further away the GSD from the LSD the Less the SSD.  So the more creative the LSD and more Responsive the GSD towards it, the greater the Progress and Growth for the SSD.  Did I make sense? 


LSD is only brain storming so no one can get hurt with the ideas...they are Only Imagination and Creativity, they are not physically real until they penetrate the SSD.


SSD - Error is not Expected...no or little free thinking, as current understanding is protected and followed.


GSD - Error is sometimes Expected...Freeer Thinking is allowed and Testing is careful performed.  It is Cautious as Harm can happen if the LSD is not Good...but you don't know till you try ;)


LSD - Error is Almost always Expected...Free Thinking is allowed as there is no Testing therefore no Harm...this is the Science of Fiction.


So Physicists can say to other Physicists..."Hey check out some of this LSD, what do you think?"   Again it Must be defined as LSD :)


I won't be able to reply as fast as most because I have no internet, but I will continue to think (Invest) in this and Pepin Thank You :)

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I am glad you would like to invest in Liquid Science.  I am investing everything I have, but resources are Low, no internet being on of them.   I was thinking of some Liquid Science Development (LSD) Last night while thinking of the scientific method.   I was wondering how the scientific method might apply to LSD? 


If I am not mistaken here is the Scientific Method...


1. Formulation of a question...


2. Hypothesis...


3. Prediction...


4. Testing...


5. Analysis...


Might Testing and Analysis (4 and 5) below be left out in LSD, as LSD is ONLY Fiction so we wouldn't Physically Test or do Analysis, we could theorise but not physically test, so it is safe to use, so long as it is Defined as LSD...A doctor or engeneer wouldn't take any LSD and Apply it to a Patient or a Bridge because they would be betting someone's  life on it.  So Any-time a Grey Swan or White Swan is using LSD in a problem, quantum mechanics being an Example any LSD should be defined as LSD.   


Liquid science is so creative and free because there are no real expectations and it is Safe to use.  The More Creative and Flexable the Better the LSD.  There is no Right or Wrong as their is in SSD.


If using this structure of the 3 systems of Science.  The closer the GSD is to the LSD the greater the SSD...the further away the GSD from the LSD the Less the SSD.  So the more creative the LSD and more Responsive the GSD towards it, the greater the Progress and Growth for the SSD.  Did I make sense? 


LSD is only brain storming so no one can get hurt with the ideas...they are Only Imagination and Creativity, they are not physically real until they penetrate the SSD.


SSD - Error is not Expected...no or little free thinking, as current understanding is protected and followed.


GSD - Error is sometimes Expected...Freeer Thinking is allowed and Testing is careful performed.  It is Cautious as Harm can happen if the LSD is not Good...but you don't know till you try ;)


LSD - Error is Almost always Expected...Free Thinking is allowed as there is no Testing therefore no Harm...this is the Science of Fiction.


So Physicists can say to other Physicists..."Hey check out some of this LSD, what do you think?"   Again it Must be defined as LSD :)


I won't be able to reply as fast as most because I have no internet, but I will continue to think (Invest) in this and Pepin Thank You :)

I feel like I could replace the term "LSD" with the colloquial term "bullshit" and it would make more sense to people.


It is attaching the word science to bullshitting and pretending it now has the credibility of science.

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I feel like I could replace the term "LSD" with the colloquial term "bullshit" and it would make more sense to people.


It is attaching the word science to bullshitting and pretending it now has the credibility of science.


It could be bullshit.  No matter how good any LSD might sound, it is NOT SSD.   To an SSD Scientist, anything that isn't SSD is BULLSHIT anyways.  SSD is not about things like common sense or mumbo jumbo, it is about FACT!  SSD Protects the Science it Understands today from any bullshit penitrating it and screwing it up and hurting someone or something.  GSD is to take great careful with the LSD as the GSD would be responsible for the Common Sense thing, and LSD is ONLY the FICTION of SCIENCE...perhaps one day a little nugget of this LSD can help us to Spread the Love we all Share on this planet to other worlds!...Wouldn't that be great?  We can Spread out Infection through out the Universe!  I can't Wait...kidding of course... :)

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