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Skeptics are naive ?
Affirmative scepticism is the opposite of unconscious naiveness.  The oriental phrase as large the face as large the back, is a general rule of how an extreme or evident position has a proportional and reversed one that is also part of the personality. 
In the case of an individual, usually member of a declared organization promoting skepticism we usually see that this person is a blind believer of a  main stream belief system, usually called science.  We can see, with open minds, that what some pretends being science is the use of a technology out of control by some humans whose brains and knowledge are to big for them to control.  Like offering a real gun to a kid and telling him to go out and play. Recent catastrophe are clearly showing the image of the mad scientist unaware of the effects or in a hypnotic trance pushing him to go ahead with his crazy projects even if all is collapsing around. 
This belief system based on spectacular realizations, most of the time with short term and localized positive effects, giving the impression to those naive individuals their religion is the true one so they build temples called schools and universities to educate other naive persons. 
The usual answer to the actual and evident failure of their projects is that they will eventually, in a close future, bring great benefits to humanity. We saw and see they, and their financiers, got and get their profits while saying, ad nauseam, that it will bring something to others in a near future. Like a donkey running after a carrot on a stick, the future is never attained and the donkey keeps on running.  We have there all the ingredients of religions, paradise that will come if you obediently follow the recipe of life the so called science promotes.  You work like a slave for years in an insane middle in an unhealthy job with the promise of a golden retreat with a huge pension.  The mythic Eldorado,  their religious magazines and films shows as some sort of Venus project where robots will take care of everything while you’ll enjoy a life of leisure filled of joys, including sexy young nurses to change your diapers.  We see that, here and now, reality is far from being a paradise, cuts in pensions, cost of life raising, chronic illness increasing and so on.  
It seems obvious the most ardent skeptics are naive fanatics... what do you think ?

You do realize that saying skeptics are naive is self defeating, right? They're complete opposite states. Maybe you're using the terms differently. I tried to look for definitions of the two in your post but what I got is a rant about cartoonish mad scientists, the future and El Dorado... you're just all over the place.


I used to be into science back in the day, I still have a well-worn copy of their first demo.  Saw them play their first show at CBGBs.  But when they signed the major label deal and everyone and their mom was into that stupid music video "My Hypothesis" I couldn't stand them anymore.  All the skeptic poseurs walking around with their fake-ass Galileo henna tattoos and isenthalpic process t-shirts from Hot Topic.  Makes me sick!


I don't at all understand the post nor the question. I'd suggest working on your writing ability because argument isn't very clear. Your audience isn't likely to spend much time considering your argument if they have to put a lot of work into understanding what your argument is.

I don't at all understand the post nor the question. I'd suggest working on your writing ability because argument isn't very clear. Your audience isn't likely to spend much time considering your argument if they have to put a lot of work into understanding what your argument is.



English is not my language and I might tend to use french grammar to build my phrases.


I think readers are intelligent enough to understand my point. 



More you pretend less you are.
Is another declination of the phrase as large the face as large the back. This pretending aspect  many of us witnessed in our lives in certain occasions where relatives had to insist on their self importance because they felt their qualities weren’t recognized. When you effectively are or have others will recognize it without you having to prove it.  Our modern culture seems to be based on pretension, and that would be the main sign of its opposite reality, more it pretends being right more it is wrong.

I think I get what you are saying, but correct me if I'm wrong. It's about how self-proclaimed skeptics will latch on to what is called science without necessarily doing any critical thinking of their own, just repeating what others parrot in order to feel superior by association. Usually these people are skeptical about views outside of the group but will not question their own.


If you are correct about something then the evidence or logic should support it, and your association with a particular skeptical or scientific group isn't relevant. That's why I like this community, it is focused on the search for truth rather than supporting any particular view. (Skeptic communities seem focused more on being against popular culture, things like religion, sexual orientation, etc)

  On 12/13/2013 at 8:15 PM, nathanm said:

I used to be into science back in the day, I still have a well-worn copy of their first demo.  Saw them play their first show at CBGBs.  But when they signed the major label deal and everyone and their mom was into that stupid music video "My Hypothesis" I couldn't stand them anymore.  All the skeptic poseurs walking around with their fake-ass Galileo henna tattoos and isenthalpic process t-shirts from Hot Topic.  Makes me sick!


I almost burst out laughing from that one.

I think I get what you are saying, but correct me if I'm wrong. It's about how self-proclaimed skeptics will latch on to what is called science without necessarily doing any critical thinking of their own, just repeating what others parrot in order to feel superior by association. Usually these people are skeptical about views outside of the group but will not question their own.


Your analyze is good.


I'm pointing the fact it is generalized in our societies


The reason why I used the phrase as large the face as large the back is to underline the fact there is another way of seeing things and events. 
Who say’s who is, is another declination of this different point of view. The more you accuse of something the more you are guilty of it. 
Jesus is said to be the one who came with the parable of the straw and the log, we can see he only adapted the as large the face as large the back phrase in another arrangement. The original sentence much older and using more general terms.  
The seducer is described as being very attractive and persuasive, alike a very nice package is usually used to divert the fact the content is not so useful. 
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