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the evidence against spanking in brief


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here's tefan giving the rundown, form the Walter Block debate


((((media removed)))))

I sped the audio up by 20% because I know a lot of people are more likely to listen to a short video than a long one teeheehee :)

sadly I jsut realised the the beginning crapped up :/ I might have to fix it


too much work to do atm

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I just wanted to say how great that "debate" was. I was very impressed with it's flow and the cordial and respectful nature the debaters extended to one another. Why can't Stefan behave that way more? Even Walter's remarks indicated he was aware of the philibustering Stefan often uses.


Occasionally Stefan will end a discussion, prematurely IMHO, b/c he is not able to move the discussion where he wants it to go. Granted it is his show. Although Stefan doesn't end conversations that way very often, and usually when he does I agree with him, but once in awhile I don't.


I am a major fan of Stefan & this website but nobody is perfect. I offer this as constructive feedback. Somewhere in the podcasts over the last month I recall a conversation with a guy that had a heavy accent. He wasn't the most articulate or easy to understand and it wasn't difficult to hear the fristration in Stefan's voice at places in the conversation. I felt Stefan kindof rushed him off and didn't let him answer the last question Stefan posed.


I'm no expert, and perhaps his termination of the conversation was fine. Not for me to decide, but it is to offer my perspective. Take the best of it and leave the rest. I've certainly not seen anything in the years of podcasts I've heard to stop listing and passing along the FDR website to others and giving Stef all the praise and respect he has earned.


It will be interesting to see how Stefan processes the issues Walter raised. I sincerely hope he will share his thoughts on this as time goes by.

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