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I would like some feedback.


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I made a new youtube channel and i would like some feed back . 


Its a basic how to channel . 


I only have one video right now. 

Im hoping to finish my series on functions by this week. 








Things Im already working on, my voice and better compositions and format for the videos.. 

Im new to video editing. 




Thank you : ) 



It would help if you guys subscribe... Because It would rank me higher when 

people do a search... 

like and comment ... help a brother out . 

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well done creating your new content


my advice would be do as many as consistently as you can and your quality will increase faster than if you are a complete perfectionist


if in a years time you have done 52 or 100 and think you can can do the earlier ones better then - boom - redo them



on a side note, here is a joke for you


f of x walks into a bar...




... the barman says "sorry we don't serve functions"  :happy:  


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2 recommendations would be to work on a bit of an intro or outro. The video stopped a little suddenly for me. Maybe ask watchers how they can get into contact with you to leave feedback or what kind of math topics they would like to hear? I'm not sure how you want the show to be structured, but that's just an idea.


Also I would recommend not using super light yellow. It was very hard to see against the white. 


Otherwise, it was a great video. I very much second what LovePrevails said about just doing them many many times and eventually you will get a ton better. Look forward to seeing more!

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