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Madoka Magica 3: An Amateur Philosophical Review


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Hello Everyone Culain here,


Recently I was invited to see this Japanese Animated film by a few new friends, apparently it's a really popular series. I watched a few episodes of it in the past but never really thought to much about it, but this movie was very deep. Even though i labeled this as a review, it's probably more akin to an examination of society from a libertarian teenager's perspective.




The basic plot or idea of the story is of a group of 5 teenage girls whom transform into magical girls to fight "Nitemare's", Nitemare's are created from emotionally unstable individuals in society whom seek to harm others. The movie begins with the cast of 5 girls healing the emotional ails of a highschool girl whom here parents had neglected.


As the movie progresses, Homura recognizes that her friends have this amnesia which is causing them to forget the past. Madoka is seen as the youngest and most innocent girl, she has a very loving family and her father is a stay-at-home dad. Homura shares the consistent logical qualities of an Anarcho Athiest which makes her very attuned to Madoka's innocence. However, accompanying Madoka is this small white fox entity called "Kyuubi". Kyuubi plays the part of obligation in Madoka's life, manipulating how she acts, almost like Kyuubi is personified as Government. Homura wanting to protect Madoka finds Kyuubi to be dangerous and struggles to remove Kyuubi from Madoka.


As the five friends hang together Homura notices this creature called "Bebe" which accompanies Tomoe (one of the friends). Bebe however seems to be a catalyst to causing amnesia between the friends, making them forget/ ignore the danger in society. Homura sees Bebe for what it truly is, "culture". In order to protect Madoka from Tomoe's culture she ferociously battles against it, reality changes into a Nitemare as they begin their arguments. Two people who were once friends ferociously attack eachother. Tomoe becomes increasingly more emotional as Homura attacks her culture and Homura's final argument seems to catch Tomoe off guard causing her a brief moment of self-reflection.


Sayaki witnesses this argument and question's Homura's approach, blaming Homura for insensitive about the truth. Sayaki reveals her position as a Minarchist when she offers to Homura a simple life of fighting Wraiths (symptoms) rather than the Witches (Root of problems). Sayaki threatens to end their relationship if Homura continues to push.


The next day Homura is deeply troubled, she can't help but ponder over the fate of Madoka as she see's all these zombies in society lifelessly falling prey to Witches. Homura discovers that the Kyuubi has been propagating the cycle of these witches. As Kyuubi surrounds Madoka Homura begins to surrender seeing her actions as futile. Homura begins to doubt her abilities and start hating the fact that she can see through the delusion, she regrets taking the red pill.


Faced with an extreme level of doubt and hopelessness, Homura wants to return to a life of delusion like the others, but her pride can not allow her. After one last heartfelt apology and goodbye, Homura attempts a sort of suicide. Homura becomes a Witch, she falls into complete despair and lashes out with all her emotions.


As Homura is on the brink of death she pictures Madoka one last time, but Kyuubi invades her mind. Give up, give up, give up, he taunts her. That's when Homura remembers her friends, sure they might have different views but they all truly mean the best of intentions for each-other. Homura recognizes the futility of in-fighting and re-focuses her attention to Madoka; she will not abandon her friend.


Homura discards the blue pill and awakens to a new level of maturity. She calls herself a demon (Anarchist) because that's how others will view her, but she's content with her image. Homura remembers her intention towards Madoka and informs that she loves her and that she will not force Madoka to accept her views but believes through reason and evidence Madoka will one day discover the same truths as her.


The movie closes out with Homura resting on a Hillside. Kyuubi is there on the ground, torn, ragged, beaten. Homura informs the Kyuubi that she will never let him taint the innocent Madoka.


The End.


Anyways, I highly recommend watching it.


There was another friend of their's in the Movie, Sakura. Unfortunetly I had to step out of the theater to the washroom during her spotlight in the movie so i can`t make an comments on her role.


Kyuubi= Government

Bebe= Culture

Witches= Problems

Wraiths= Symptoms of problems

Nitemares= Emotional arguments/ despair

Demon- Anarchist


Homura- Anarchist/athiest

Sayaki- Minarchist

Tomoe- Theist

Madoka- Innocent Child

I would also like to point how Homura`s Image.


She is characterized as this shy bookworm in public. She wears glasses and remains both quiet and observant.


But when Homura battles against her friends, she transforms into a very sharp, assertive, and aggressive character. She even ditches her glasses.

A few other things to note, is that this event called the Walpurgis is mentioned in the film as a great coming and unstoppable calamity. It inferred the idea of an election to me.

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