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"Multivitamin researchers say "case is closed" after studies find no health benefits"


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If you pay close attention, the result is in relation to chronic disease and death. With that said, the article is a mess.


Chronic morbidity and mortality are highly correlated with obesity, inactivity and substance abuse (alcohol, tobacco and drugs).


Once you suffer from one of those self-inflicted problems, I don't imagine there's much room left in the chain of causation for the destruction of one's overall health to be reversed by something like a multivitamin.


But the studies seemed to focus only on heart disease and dementia, which would be highly correlated to one's level of exercise (physical and mental, respectively). 

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Functionally, the human body is already designed to compensate for deficits in vitamins and fluxuations in their intake. This is what fat is for.


Humans should have slightly rounded bellies (washboard abbs might look nice, but you really do need this fat, especially in winter), and reasonably sized butts to store this fat. Exercize and fitness is good, but I think people over-emphasize fat burning to an unhealthy level. You after all, need the fats to store vitamins. It is possible that vitamin defficiency in the west is related to the fact that many people play the 'extremes' game, They either have an unhealthy diet of pure lard, and lots of fat, or a healthy diet with no fat that makes them too skinny to have normal body chemestry.


I feel like the real problem with health in the 21st century, is we're using it as a way to manipulate our bodies, not maintain them. Oh, you have a headache? Don't cut out work stress or eye-strain, take this pill! Oh, you feel fat? Don't ammend your ideals of beauty, spend $3000 a year on gym memberships!

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...Humans should have slightly rounded bellies (washboard abbs might look nice, but you really do need this fat, especially in winter), and reasonably sized butts to store this fat. Exercize and fitness is good, but I think people over-emphasize fat burning to an unhealthy level. You after all, need the fats to store vitamins. It is possible that vitamin defficiency in the west is related to the fact that many people play the 'extremes' game, They either have an unhealthy diet of pure lard, and lots of fat, or a healthy diet with no fat that makes them too skinny to have normal body chemestry....

One of the best paragraphs I've read.  I have a wee bit'o'pudge which is perfect for a mammal in a cold season.  Alas, our culture has come up with something called "pants sizes."  I've always admired old cultures with ballooning pants, which allow perfect freedom of movement, very healthy for the joints, and a belt or sash defining the waist without constriction, healthy for almost everything.  I didn't know about the storing of fat soluble vitamins, and have researched it further.

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Functionally, the human body is already designed to compensate for deficits in vitamins and fluxuations in their intake. This is what fat is for.


Humans should have slightly rounded bellies (washboard abbs might look nice, but you really do need this fat, especially in winter), and reasonably sized butts to store this fat. Exercize and fitness is good, but I think people over-emphasize fat burning to an unhealthy level. You after all, need the fats to store vitamins. It is possible that vitamin defficiency in the west is related to the fact that many people play the 'extremes' game, They either have an unhealthy diet of pure lard, and lots of fat, or a healthy diet with no fat that makes them too skinny to have normal body chemestry.


I feel like the real problem with health in the 21st century, is we're using it as a way to manipulate our bodies, not maintain them. Oh, you have a headache? Don't cut out work stress or eye-strain, take this pill! Oh, you feel fat? Don't ammend your ideals of beauty, spend $3000 a year on gym memberships!


This seems like a lot of opinions to me. "Vitamin deficiency in the West"? people are not Fat enough in the west?


I don't think Low fat or no fat diets work at all, but that is just me.


When does amending your ideas of beauty become a self fulfilling prophecy? Couldn't you be amending just to match your current state?


Maybe this is an idea Fast Food restaurants should embrace, make "FAT IS FIT" T-shirts or something.


OH and I paid $175 a year for a gym membership. It opens 24h and have one close to work and one close to home. For $3000 I expect a trainer to the the workout for me  :blink:  

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This seems like a lot of opinions to me. "Vitamin deficiency in the West"? people are not Fat enough in the west?


I don't think Low fat or no fat diets work at all, but that is just me.


When does amending your ideas of beauty become a self fulfilling prophecy? Couldn't you be amending just to match your current state?


Maybe this is an idea Fast Food restaurants should embrace, make "FAT IS FIT" T-shirts or something.


OH and I paid $175 a year for a gym membership. It opens 24h and have one close to work and one close to home. For $3000 I expect a trainer to the the workout for me  :blink:  

If you have too much fat, it can interfere with the storage of many fat-soluable protiens and vitamins. By ammending our standards of beauty I mean this: Many people feel as if an untainable body-style is beautiful. While certainly, some people do look like super models, if my sister who's 5' 0" tried to look the same, she'd have to weigh 60 lbs, and spend at least 40 hours a week doing carb burning exercizes as well as a diet. Its simply unattainable. What i'd like to see is a more natural standard of beauty. For example in almost all cultural art from the middle ages, women were depicted as average height, with slighty round bellies and average breasts. This seems a more natural standard of beauty, since the vast majority of women would find this easy to obtain considering the restrictions of lifestyle, diet, and physical limititaions. Men were not depicted as rampant mucle men either. This is not to say that everyone should just consider their own weights healthy, but rather that people should realize that their health is not determined by pants size, or hip-to-waist ratio. There is a reasonable ammount of fat we all NEED, and should expect to have.


and i was being a little dramatic about the 3 grand, although I suspect there are gyms out there with that price structure.

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If you have too much fat, it can interfere with the storage of many fat-soluable protiens and vitamins. By ammending our standards of beauty I mean this: Many people feel as if an untainable body-style is beautiful. While certainly, some people do look like super models, if my sister who's 5' 0" tried to look the same, she'd have to weigh 60 lbs, and spend at least 40 hours a week doing carb burning exercizes as well as a diet. Its simply unattainable. What i'd like to see is a more natural standard of beauty. For example in almost all cultural art from the middle ages, women were depicted as average height, with slighty round bellies and average breasts. This seems a more natural standard of beauty, since the vast majority of women would find this easy to obtain considering the restrictions of lifestyle, diet, and physical limititaions. Men were not depicted as rampant mucle men either. This is not to say that everyone should just consider their own weights healthy, but rather that people should realize that their health is not determined by pants size, or hip-to-waist ratio. There is a reasonable ammount of fat we all NEED, and should expect to have.


and i was being a little dramatic about the 3 grand, although I suspect there are gyms out there with that price structure.


I can agree with all you said, I would just caution people not to stop short of a goal because they might think its unattainable.

You have to be rational about your goals. How much sugar/carbs is being consumed? and how natural that is. how much exercise is being done etc.


I'm of the believe from personal experience that one can look relatively good by eating smarter and a little exercise. I'm not talking rounded belly either, Last time I did a 7 pinch fat test I was on the high single digits of body fat. Even if I screwed up some of the measurements and I'm in the low double digits I consider that amazing results compared to the work I'm putting in.

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