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FDR Glossary


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Please collaborate with me, anyone interested in creating an FDR Glossary for new listeners!


There are so many acronyms and new terminologies in the FDR community so it seems like a good idea to help new listeners navigate all the material just in brief definitions.


But I am pretty new myself and so ask anyone to add words they think should be there and I'll compile a list to post somewhere on the site.


Thanks for any help!



So far, not yet in order :)











I also thought just adding ill-understood words as they are meant in FDR context, but in brief--like anarchy, libertarian, agnostic/atheist, minarchy, constitutionalism, solipsism, homeschooling, the matrix and "red pill", self-ownership, feminism, etc.


If you think this is not helpful, please feel free to say that too, so I don't waste any time on it!!


As you add please don't assume I know it and include the complete phrase or meaning!


Thanks for any contributions :thanks:





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OT - (Do people use that or did I make that up?)


I am sure there are others, but I will have to think on this.


Also, should we define terms that are used? Like DRO means Dispute Resolution Organization. Reader thinks, "OK, now what the hell does that mean?"


Just a thought.

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BBW - Big Beached Whales.. just joshing :D


Great idea Mishelle!

However, BCF should definitely be added, just so that everyone knows the term!


2 more additions- great idea Mischelle so I can join xelent's club.


Also, I would be happy to contribute however possible if needed in order to join Kevin's club.

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Thanks:) is this a popular FDR topic? I don't recall coming across it before

It has been mentioned in a few recent call-in shows. Nothing too in-depth. Mostly just an explanation why Stef doesn't think it's a very wise strategy, some jokes at PUA's expense and that sort of thing. Here's a listener mailbag on it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9QSNCO7NUQ

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LOL!  Thanks for the laughs and contributions.  Should we include "Stef" :  Short for Stefan, as Mad should be short for Madonna. :D


I don't think I know all the acronyms above, but will start with the list and we'll keep filling it in.

Meeri, I included that one because when I first saw it it took me forever to figure out what it stood for.  I'm not that bright though--the first time I heard someone say FDR I thought, "Why are they talking about Roosevelt?!"


For sure Carl, we should include brief definitions--that will take some cooperation!


I will load it on googledocs or dropbox so anyone can edit---any better ideas or any preference there?

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OK here is the link to our work-in-progress, but I've still got it set to private -- maybe it's best to "invite" people to edit so we can track changes better?




can you send me your gmail?  I do think you have to have gmail to get in, right?  If this is too cumbersome for making edits we can try some other way if any suggestions?

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OK here is the link to our work-in-progress, but I've still got it set to private -- maybe it's best to "invite" people to edit so we can track changes better?




can you send me your gmail?  I do think you have to have gmail to get in, right?  If this is too cumbersome for making edits we can try some other way if any suggestions?

Sent you my email address.

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I think it would be very helpful if some newer people shared some experiences as to what terms or topics were difficult to grasp, what kinds of things they didn't understand or still don't fully understand, or anything else along those lines.


Most likely, someone else will have similar questions and defining those terms will be helpful to others.

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thanks xelent.  so could we say then that syndicalism is against private business ownership?  so it's that all must be "in the collective" ?  everything is "open source" so to speak?


Yes you can.. Although I can hear some of them quibbling already, but ignore them. :D

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Yes you can.. Although I can hear some of them quibbling already, but ignore them. :D

Maybe I am a bit too sensitive, but I see a lot of potential quibbling with certain words.


This one may be a minor example.


Feminism I think some people on this board a vehemently against and others are for, but then they still have similar conclusions, they just disagree on the word's definition.


How would you define libertarian? Does it include the libertarian party types? Does it include the Libertarian-leaners like Rand Paul and Dennis Kucinich? Is it exclusively for consistent non-violent application leading to only include ancaps?


How would you define statist? Does it include minarchists who think there should be a small state?


I am sure there are others, but these were some of the ones that I ran into trouble coming up with a proper definition.

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What if we used definitions that were specific to how they're used on the show or in the community? (as opposed to a wikipedia type definition that is supposed to encompass everything).


So for "libertarian" that would be like the consistent application of the NAP as applied to politics (or something to that effect). I think it's most accurate, and it avoids all of the religious and political party baggage that doesn't apply to the show anyway.

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I think it's good to quibble on the harder definitions.  Like feminism, and if we include that we must include patriotism. I think it's important because coming from a heavily propagandized culture, when I first heard real resistance to these words and ideologies from Stef and this community I was really unnecessarily confused because I did not understand how they were being defined outside mainstream BS.  I know it's wrong to make assumptions based on feelings, but we all do it, especially in trigger areas.  Sooo many are for/against feminism and in the US South especially, so many identify with patriotism -- they think like I did -- of course i'm for equality between the genders, of course I think we need to honor the Constitution and Bill of Rights, when that's not what these isms stand for anymore in reality, if they ever did.

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I think it's good to quibble on the harder definitions.  Like feminism, and if we include that we must include patriotism. I think it's important because coming from a heavily propagandized culture, when I first heard real resistance to these words and ideologies from Stef and this community I was really unnecessarily confused because I did not understand how they were being defined outside mainstream BS.  I know it's wrong to make assumptions based on feelings, but we all do it, especially in trigger areas.  Sooo many are for/against feminism and in the US South especially, so many identify with patriotism -- they think like I did -- of course i'm for equality between the genders, of course I think we need to honor the Constitution and Bill of Rights, when that's not what these isms stand for anymore in reality, if they ever did.

Maybe the most important thing to define is the purpose of this list.


Are we defining terms as some collective of FDR members? Are we shocking people into thinking of terms in a different way than they usually think of them? Are we only defining terms/acronyms that are unique to the community and can't really be looked up somewhere else?


Like I could make a post about "libertarianism" or "feminism" and what they mean and it probably would be rather hotly debated as to what the term means and who is included. I have my opinions on them, but I feel like putting forward a definitive definition of these terms is somewhat hubristic or arrogant, unless it is defined in such a broad sense as to make it (relatively) non-controversial.


I think if we define the purpose of the glossary, it should make what we define and how we define it more clear.

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Yes great point!  Personally I like the idea of trying to come to a 3 sentence consensus if at all possible. So, to make it broad enough that we could agree, but narrow enough that newcomers see where FDR philosophy is nailed down through the words, if that makes some sense?!


On the more controversial words we could loosely define then maybe link to discussion in these threads?  just some thoughts

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Yes great point!  Personally I like the idea of trying to come to a 3 sentence consensus if at all possible. So, to make it broad enough that we could agree, but narrow enough that newcomers see where FDR philosophy is nailed down through the words, if that makes some sense?!


On the more controversial words we could loosely define then maybe link to discussion in these threads?  just some thoughts

That sounds like a good idea. I think the purpose would be only to make it so that entering a discussion where there are several complex or unknown terms being thrown around to at least have an idea of what is being talked about.


Thus, broad and generally consensus definitions would be good. I do like the idea of linking to a forum where a definition or topic has been debated. It would throw people into the mix and get an understanding of the complexities behind the word.

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ok sounds good to me!  Since it's a busy time for many, anyone that wants to keep dabbling on the definitions for a while, please send gmail address, we'd love all input!  Then in another week or so we can include it here or somewhere for more feedback? What do you think?

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