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Insurance Problem - Who is responsible and why?


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Good Evening FDR!This is my first time writing here mainly becuase i didn't know what to start writing about.But now I have a problem that need some philosophy applied.I inherited money when my grandfather passed away, about 20 years ago, the money was placed in a trustfund.In mid 2009 my stepfather faked my signature and managed to get the money wired to his account.I noticed this 3 weeks ago.The bank now tells me that they are not responsible for verifying signatures or control who's account is being listed and that i should contact the police and press charges.I feel that they have a responsibility to me, as their customer, and that they should restore the funds by the value that they would have today.What I need help with is to sort out who is actually responsible and why.And if is the trustfund then i could use some strong logical arguments that can help me battle the suits.I can definitely provide you with more information if you need it.I'm not sure what information is relevant so this is just what I think is essential.Thanks in advance/L

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That is terrible. Unfortunately the justice system is set up that the state is who you have to go to for recourse. 


I would evaluate how much money you are talking and what the odds are of you winning the case (a lawyer should give you a rough assessment in a free consultation) and then decide if it is worth the hassle and expense to sue him or not.


I am really sorry that you are in this situation.

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I should add that I live in Sweden, if that is relevant.So you do not think that the trustfund is responsible in this situation?My way of looking at it is that they are the ones that were subject to fraudThey have charged me money for keeping my money safe and now they have lost my money.Am I looking at it from the wrong angle?Thank you for you response.

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I should add that I live in Sweden, if that is relevant.So you do not think that the trustfund is responsible in this situation?My way of looking at it is that they are the ones that were subject to fraudThey have charged me money for keeping my money safe and now they have lost my money.Am I looking at it from the wrong angle?Thank you for you response.

They may, you would have to look at the contract.


However, I also know that the odds of them getting an all-star legal team and finding a way to use the justice system to make you pay more money in lawyer fees than the trust fund is worth is much higher than it was with your stepfather.


Explore the options, get a free consult from a lawyer. If you don't listen to anything else I say, I would say that a free consult to explore options is good advice.

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