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I came across this the other day, and it reminded me of something I think Stefan said. It was something along the lines of, once damaged, a person can never become whole or perfect, will always be flawed.  I may be slightly misquoting, but I think the sentiment is accurate, and it resonated with me, confirmed some thoughts and feelings I've had.

Then I came across this, which I think more or less directly contradicts Stefan's idea.  I sent it to a friend (incidentally a neuropsychiatrist) who thought it was beautiful.  I really like it, find it very life affirming. 

Thoughts on kintsukuroi versus "once broken it can never be completely whole" ?

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supposes that damage or suffering are wrong or imperfect....suggests a state of permanence is right


Heres a philosophical example from fiction...on Dragon Ball Z if you dont kill the Sayain but just beat him, the worse he is damaged the stronger he will be when he recovers - what doesnt kill you makes you stronger...except a heart attack eh....DRAGON BALL Z philosophy YEH!

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