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My Flag Pharmakon

My flag pharmakon.*
My flag made of the cheapest of China's materials.
My flag made in honor of angered spirits twisting and turning in crucifix fields.
Wrapped knotted strangling my constitution's pride.
My flag making a ruin of my native wilderness polluting it for play money.
My flag tucks in and tightens, bribes and corrupts my culture and jails and vilifies those that champion their rights, my fight.
Torture terrorists torture terrorists torture terrorism torture.
My flag fights with my journalists and artists and demands their dishonesty and threatens authentic integrity with punishment.
My flag's authority trumps vitality and the skies sleepily darken.
My flag bundles our fighting men side by side and ties them to terrorism in foreign lands.
My flag spreads wide to cover up military rape to uphold it's glory seekers warped self image of good deeds.
My flag drapes blue courage over the shoulders of well armed cowards vying for sanctuary.
My flag's position on the flagpole is determined by a dictator instead of a conscientious community.
Our flags at home could not be more false and transparent.
The more ashamed I become of my country the higher the waving flag.
The more glamorous in high definition the recruitment's glory, the more shit they talk on George Washington.
The more they dishonor the founders the higher they wave that flag.
They raise it up while we lose our grip. They take away what it stands for till we can't stand tall and reach it. They put it beyond our grasp and sadistically celebrate our need of it.
I will not pledge my allegiance.
I accuse malfeasance to the flag of the divided states of freedom, segregated states of thinking, this hierarchy of enslavement called citizen-subject-slave-ship, under a new world order.
Terrorism is the policy we're 'subject to', 'a party to.' That these two parties do.
Their policy boys inflicting their violence monopoly on Sovereign men discriminated against by uninitiated yet indoctrinated nationals intoxicated with authority taught to hate liberated behavior.
Sovereign men against gang initiations fending off unaffordable freedoms.
We are not your enemy.

I'm aware this flag represents the sacrifice of my ancestors. They didn't sacrifice for this.
It's a terrorist threat flown over conquered and unconquered lands around the world.
It's a white flag of lazy surrender behind bars propping up hollywood's wrecking ball stars.
Blood, guts, and glory, the only price for freedom is the blood we spill holding our perverted joysticks.
It's a brand of opportunity. Costs for captivity. Leave if you dare xenophobic nationalism.
The more terrified I become to fly my flag upside down, the more justified I become in retiring it.
Never has there been a more welcomed friendly fire than for this flag to mercifully retire.
I loved this flag. This is a funeral pyre.

* Pharmakon is . . .a poison and a cure, a solution that damns us, associated with cultural ritual sacrifice.

Wikipedia “A pharmakós (Greek: φαρμακός) in Ancient Greek religion was the ritualistic sacrifice or exile by the sorcerers of a human scapegoat or victim. The victims themselves were referred to as pharmakoi and the sorcerer was referred to as a pharmakon.[1] A slave, a cripple or a criminal was chosen by the pharmakon or sorcerer and expelled from the community at times of disaster (famine, invasion or plague) or at times of calendrical crisis, after being given pharmakeus or drugs by the pharmakon or sorcerer who was a practitioner of pharmakeia or pharmaceutics. It was believed that this would bring about purification. On the first day of the Thargelia, a festival of Apollo at Athens, two men, the Pharmakoi, were led out as if to be sacrificed as an expiation. Some scholia state that pharmakoi were actually sacrificed (thrown from a cliff or burned), but many modern scholars reject this, arguing that the earliest source for the pharmakos (the iambic satirist Hipponax) shows the pharmakos being beaten and stoned, but not executed. A more plausible explanation would be that sometimes they were executed and sometimes not, depending on the attitude of the victim. For instance, a deliberate unrepentant murderer would most likely be put to death.”

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  • 4 weeks later...

What Does Guilty Mean

All terrorists until proven innocent

terrorism from the top down

to the very thin lines that separate us.

Of the people by the people

standard issued boots cleaning up the streets.

We're told we can and so close to peace.
Give up your fights and cease.

We've got a chance so please,

whatever, does guilty mean?


Terrorists with innocence on lease.
Our cost for freedom comes due.

the color of innocence is blue,

so what does guilty mean?

A behavioral problem we'll be.


What does guilty mean?
Kelly Kelly, Kelly

they're killing me.
Oh What, does guilty mean?


Protect ourselves to risk

our protectors will charge a fee

take it from your hide policy.

But, call us whatever you need

We'll tell you what guilty means.


Home grown dissent it blooms

on the pavement in pools

with implied threats in schools.

War on terrorism war on ourselves.

No respect for lone men

white, red, or brown.


We don't offer, we owe dues

to the camouflage and blues.

Who don't earn only soak it in.

Paid to kill and righteously grin.

Yes we can, achieve this peace.

So close we are,

to change what guilty means.


Status isn't anonymous it's classified.

Anonymous isn't status it's terrified.

America cannot be corrupt and justified.

We walk these same streets declaring we're free.

Knowing our guilt, but no longer what guilty means.

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  • 4 weeks later...

(i don't know, maybe this thread should be moved.  The original post i thought was of a general arnachist attitude, but now perhaps it is best placed elsewhere?)  

Let's Elect Our God.

Idol worship democratically into a united state of mind.

We'll choose one that we can look at, someone suitable.

We'll choose one that speaks ordinarily. One whom we're willing to listen.

We'll choose the one that tells us what we wish. Someone to satisfy our souls to question endlessly.

We'll choose a fellow friendly sinner. Someone who can achieve anything, so that our imaginations can run free.

We'll choose one that presides above good and evil. One that doesn't tolerate or forgive dissent.

We'll create our god draconian held on high from the very lowest of the low.

We'll choose one that cannot be denied. One that doesn't believe in us.

So in a firing line we stand together armed. Such that we are not so burdened by virtue,

while we fire at the tied and defenseless,

claiming that our dishonor was forced.

We had no choice. We elected our God. So that our existence is meaningless innocence.

All our freedom within worthlessness.

All our value is whore's rent. All will fall, in line. To hell, with them.

It's an ancient lie that idols are objects.

Idols are people that we elect to be our conscious God.

Stuck in a peer group purgatorium.

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There they go off wandering in their depression.

Blinded by the sun of their boiling frog oppression.

Perpetuated perfection divined and decadence reigning.

Submerged and suicidal and angrily awaking.

Work horses suffering their rearing never breaking.

Men of sorrow constance stoically faking.

Children raised in blinders stunted never escaping.

Upon a path to glorious righteousness taking.

Law dog hell hound statist lust for war making.

Chosen few winning team flags are a waving.

Sinful cities squares of multiple colors

each of them building walls closing their shutters.

Still marching silent with our nose to the grindstone.

Grateful for bloody peanuts still leaving the boss alone.

Never thought to yourselves that the problem ain't me.

Didn't even consider your pain was the powers that be.

Sleeping men never even offer surrender

Apologies sir, only a dreaming contender.

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  • 1 year later...


Cultural Leadership


Every tie that binds

every suit you wear

every position you take

every insistence you make

each promotion you claim

and title traded for name.

Each person you put into order

every type arranged and placed.

Every vote you vote in self defense

every institution you support

all your values prioritized for your safety's sake.

All the street smarts you know,

“ain't 'bout your rights son they gets away with it.”

All the children you tell that's just the way it is.

Each kid you punish into believing you

every thing done in a God's name

every desire kept in a closet

everything kept secret

every status you gain

and all the certifications you hang.

Make you a cult leader.

Congratulations! Life ain't fair!

Don't get to chose what you are, never did.

Culture ain't harmony.

Order ain't peace.

Authority ain't respect.

There's no equality in hierarchy.

Your sacrifice was someone else's loss.

Perpetual war ain't heroic.

Your local team ain't special.

Look how deep the roots go.

All these things that make you better than you,

worth more to who?

Unequal isn't more unique you're a fool.

Being incomparable is what makes us equal.

The roots of evil, self righteousness.

Look how much effort it took to feed those roots.

Look how long it took for it to blossom in you.

You're finally successful. You're finally in charge. Tell your stories. Stoke your wars. Divide the different out. Preach who's wrong. You glorious old fool and die.

All those years you suffered deserve reparation?

Slowly broken statist with offensive elderly expectations.

Slaved your whole life for 'the good things'.

Big enough to do the beating.

Empowered by your obedience.

Fought for it. A hard fight for a place in line straight to hell.

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