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New FDR Chrome Extension - Quote of the Day

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I just made a new chrome extension.  It's only my second extension so don't judge me too harshly.  It gives you a quote of the day desktop notification from Stef when you open your chrome browser.  I will add more quotes when I get a chance.  Feel free to make a list and post them (hopefully in a programmer friendly way).


I'm tired, so maybe I'll post more later.


Here is the link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fdr-quotes/iieoeeedgkhnjfemmlndfpenhkfpaggk


Feedback appreciated.

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The quotes disappear very fast. I just had two relatively long ones the last time I started it up and couldn't even get halfway through them before they closed down again. Is it supposed to automatically close or is that somethign on my end?Other than that, I find it a cool idea, and am curious to see what coems of it :)

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Hey Robin.  Glad you found the notification icon in the tray. Unfortunately Google offers developers only a very limited set of capabilities for controlling the behavior of the notifications.  They are still going through different iterations of the API and this may very well change in the near future.  I'll be keeping up with those changes and providing better support when it's possible.

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