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How Anthony Robbins' work has helped me so much


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     Up until the December 23rd I had been falling into a depression that got worse and more hopeless each day. I moved across the country, struggling with money, don't like my current job, not sure where to live and how to afford it, my romantic relationship dried out, physical pain, lack of motivation. . . all that. I felt like I was back to square one in so many ways in my life. I was having trouble really sticking to anything that I felt like I had to do to get myself out of the hole but I didn't really see what getting out of the hole really was. I pretty much only knew what I didn't want.

     Anyway I listened to the call in show where Stef talked to the guy who was having trouble with his astronomy and discipline etc. It's funny that when it came to life skills like goal setting etc Stef mentioned Anthony Robbins as kind of a random suggestion. I remembered Robbins because I had worked very hard on his book Awaken the Giant Within a couple of years ago but found it way too much work. He had journal exercises, practices, evaluation of life, goal setting. . . pretty much everything was in there but I got overwhelmed with work and eventually left it alone and picked up the belief that Anthony Robbins' approach treats the person like a machine. The real problem was that I chose to work on too many areas in my life at once instead of focusing on less at a time.

     That night I got an e-mail from Robbins' company. It had a video of him talking for 45 minutes. The video ignited some drive in me. I decided that I've gotta fight for my future. Anyway long story short, I got his program called "Get the Edge". I finished it. It's been 10 days and I feel pretty amazing actually. I'm working on my life much harder but it's not even work, it's joyful. The thing that helped the most was that it reminded me of my dreams. It's so true that if you don't have a compelling enough future you won't wanna really do anything.

     Anyway it's a great program. I don't see how I would be without having completed it. I got over a lot of bullshit. One of my stories was that I was afraid of working sales jobs for a bunch of excuses, so I never really pursued them. Now I've been looking for sales work joyfully and can't wait until I get the sales job that I need. It's only the first step in a set of goals including an internet business, an investment strategy, what has become a daily exercise, gratitude, and incantations practice that has shifted the focus of my mind from what I don't want to everything that I do want and can appreciate in my life, and of course a couple of dreams of mine that I see as totally achievable within a year. These have me very motivated.

     I wonder if anyone else here has ever done any of Robbins' programs or attended a seminar. I'd like to talk to you. I see so many people who call the show with similar problems to what I was going through and this program helped tremendously. I recommend it to anyone. I do hope Stef would have Robbins on the show. It would be interesting to see them discuss therapy methods. Robbins' stuff is very unconventional for sure but it certainly got me where I need to be right now.

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I listened to one of his audio book series a few years ago and it had a nice effect on my life. I think the reason why he had you do so many journals and exercises was because of his whole philosophy about putting things into action and not just passively listening.

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The stuff isn't too hard but it isn't light passive work either. You have to go back and check on things over and over. Like Ican see myself doing the section on emotions 20 more times. I will actually redo the program over and over again all year long. A danger in my life right now is that I don't really have a support system or friends that are doing the same thing yet. I also can't afford a coach yet either so I'm going to listen to Robbins every day and work on this stuff. I'm too old to waste any more time. Gotta make things happen now.

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