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Are any members here current or former Government employees?

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I think I am experiencing some healthy anxiety about my employment.


Ever since 2007, I have been a full time employee for the Australian Government.


I started listening to FDR and other libertarian themed materials in mid 2012.


Since then, I am feeling less and less comfortable with how I 'earn' my living, which I think is healthy and the result of acquiring knowledge. 


At the moment I think what I should do is get more training and skills that would be transferable to the private sector.


I think I am procrastinating because I have a mortgage and I have never made a living in the private sector. However, I think the longer I stay in the public sector the less useful I will be in the private sector.


My question is: Has anyone here changed careers from public to private sector? How did you go about it? Any advice?





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