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everybody is a capitalism-supporting capitalist

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Something occurred to me the other day and I thought I'd share it since I haven't heard anybody else make this case before.


We all own ourselves. Therefore our bodies, our time, and our effort are our capital. When we want to visit a friend who lives down the street, it is a capitalist decision to use our body, time, and effort that could be used doing other things to walk to that friends house to achieve our goal. Even if the friend lives across town and the car you use to go there is paid for (including insurance, fuel, and maintenance) by somebody else, to use your body, time, and effort to use the car to achieve your goal is a capitalist decision. When you are hungry, it is a capitalist decision to use your body, time, and effort that could be spent doing something else to nourish yourself.


Even when somebody uses their body, time, and effort to argue against capitalism and/or argue for a bogus alternative, they are affirming capitalism. In conclusion: Everybody is a capitalism-supporting capitalist.

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Something occurred to me the other day and I thought I'd share it since I haven't heard anybody else make this case before.


We all own ourselves. Therefore our bodies, our time, and our effort are our capital. When we want to visit a friend who lives down the street, it is a capitalist decision to use our body, time, and effort that could be used doing other things to walk to that friends house to achieve our goal. Even if the friend lives across town and the car you use to go there is paid for (including insurance, fuel, and maintenance) by somebody else, to use your body, time, and effort to use the car to achieve your goal is a capitalist decision. When you are hungry, it is a capitalist decision to use your body, time, and effort that could be spent doing something else to nourish yourself.


Even when somebody uses their body, time, and effort to argue against capitalism and/or argue for a bogus alternative, they are affirming capitalism. In conclusion: Everybody is a capitalism-supporting capitalist.


What you describe is a simple trade-off or general economy. Capitalism means that going somewhere gives you a profit thanks to which you can go much further or faster or longer. You get repaid in kind, only more than to cover your expenses. Capitalism is essentially a positive feedback in economy, you try to do something thanks to which you get more of the same, re-invest, rinse, repeat.

If that something also gives you pleasure besides what you buy for the money in your free time if you have any, consider yourself privileged.


Our body is actually a centrally directed economy that is coordinated by several distinct information networks and circuits (sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve systems, endocrine system, lymphatic system, blood system, that's all probably all). Most of our body is a mindless automaton, on which our mind and will lives and consumes about 20 % of the whole thing's energy and also it has a total and deliberate control over the primary economy (the raw resources of food and water we take in).


Our mind may be capitalistic, but mother Evolution evolved our body in a socialistic way  :P Consider that we're centrally designed from mere two haploid cells  ;)

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