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Amsterdam April 2014.. Tell is it so?


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Did you try sending a direct e-mail to these locations Marius?  I've just sent one to mixtup, the last location you mention above.


in the meantime I'm waiting for committments by FDR members to pay up anywhere between 20 to 40 euro's depending on number of attendees / location.

Sofar I have one reaction which is a vote for meeting up in Cafe de Jaren.

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This message is also posted on the facebook event "April 2014 Freedomain Radio Amsterdam Meetup"


Guys. There seems to be no meetup plan. Stef is only available for meeting up on the 26th, and he is staying in the center of Amsterdam near the Dam.

Here is my plan, I have come up with two options and we'll need to decide soon in my opinion:

  • We could casually meet at 10:00 am on the 26th in "Cafe de Jaren". http://www.cafedejaren.nl/nl/de-Jaren/Home.html . The place is going to get really crowded during the day, there may be no place to sit and have a relaxed conversation.
  • We rent a place for a couple of hours on the 26th. I have spoken to one place with a very nice conference-room we can make reservations for, across the street from Stef's Hotel. They will have to open up for us, because all these places are closed on kings day. It's going to cost somewhere near 800 Euro to rent this place from say 14:00 to 17:00.  If enough people are committed to going there and pay their share, I might be willing to make a reservation. Contact me if you're up for paying the divided cost and I'll decide in a day or two if it's a viable option in my opinion. If I get twenty solid commitments we're up to +/- 40 euro PP( excluding drinks etc)  and we'll have a topnotch place to meet Stef. ( Assuming he'll be willing to skip some of the festivities and meet up with us that is :)

If you're up for either of these plans please let me know by PM. Whatever comes out, I hope to meet you all on the 26th.


Ouch... We've already paid a small fortune for flights and hotel, so we'd prefer something cheaper if possible... Would it possible to book parts of a restaurant or something or just have them reserve a few tables for us? Or book a pub, or a café?

What about Stefan's hotel itself - maybe it comes with conference rooms or some other area we could use for less money?


By the way, what has Stef himself said about the meetup? Is the 26:th really the only date that works for him, and at what time/for how long will he be available? I'm guessing that could effect both the price and availability of places to meet...


PS. We don't have facebook accounts, so it would be great if this thread could be updated when new information is posted on facebook! Thanks!

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Hi Prohexa,


I've had contact with Michael about Stef's agenda during his stay in Amsterdam and evidently he's only available on the 26th. I understand money is an issue, same for me. If I was to make a reservation somewhere I'd need sufficient commitment from people willing to chip in that day. You are travelling with two persons if I remember correctly? What would be your maximum when chipping in for a meetup place outside of the festivities? Would +/- 15 euro be do-able? I'm waiting on some more info from an art-studio that might be willing to rent a space, more affordable for normal folks. It all depends on how many people are aboard. So far I have three people who say they're willing to pay for a somewhat private meetup place. 

Trouble is that pretty much all cafe's / rental places are closed for normal business, making no reservations because it's almost for certain that it'll become too crowded to keep any such promises.

Personell is also an issue, nobody is willing to work for normal wages that day.

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I got a reply from a conference room.

NH Amsterdam Centre: 750e for 50 persons. No refreshments included (12,50 for unlimited tea and coffee per person lol). You can count me in for a share of the price.

Ruben, i think we have some idea now regarding conference rooms, although something cheaper could be found probably.


So at the moment we have 3 choices: Conference room  / Cafe, Restaurant / No venue

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Thanks for taking the time to help organize the meetup Ruben and marius! I'm willing to pay for a private venue but I'm also fine with a casual meetup in a park as Robin suggested. Anything up to 40 euros seems reasonable. You guys know the city better than I do so I'll leave the decision to you.

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Hey all,

I will come to Amsterdam as well. I'm happy to chip in for the place.


What do you think is a realistic number of people really showing up? On Facebook there are 17 confirmed + 10 maybe.


Maybe Michael has some experience of what these numbers mean for real world attendance? :)

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Hey Everybody - Major thanks to Ruben and Marius for doing some of the legwork in finding a venue.  Right now the best bet looks to be meeting up at the cafe earlier in the day and having a few parks or other public locations in mind to move to if things get too crowded later on.  With the meet up being on Kings Day it certainly makes things a bit more tricky, but we'll make it work. I'll touch base with Stef and confirm a time and then update everybody here and on facebook.  Time wise, we don't have any set in stone hard commitments that day, so we should be alright. Talking with a few people regarding interview opportunities and a couple of other exciting projects, but there will be plenty of time for a relaxed meet-up.

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Updated Details Below!


Meet-Up: Saturday, April 26th, 2014 at 11am

Café de Jaren
Nieuwe Doelenstraat 20 - 22
1012 CP Amsterdam


Further Update: Hey all, Ruben just found a better venue and will likely be moving to it so we'll have a far more private experience. Here's a link to the general place, they have a reasonably priced conference room and a restaurant on site. It's a little further from the center of town, but the trade off looks to be worth it. I'll post it a soon as we confirm. http://studio-k.nu/zaalverhuur/

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Meet-Up: Saturday, April 26th, 2014 at 12pm (Noon)
Updated Venue: 
Timorplein 62
1094CC Amsterdam
This is a restaurant with a private room reserved for the meet-up. The room is several steps from the restaurant itself where you can order drinks and food.  We've been told that the place is cash only, so please bring fiat currency if you would like to order anything to eat or drink. The room name/number is SK5 and will have space for approximately thirty people. If we need extra room we can spill over into the restaurant. 
Thus venue is a little further outside the city, but it's one of the few places which would allow us to rent a private room on the Kings Day holiday to enable a more private experience. We think it's worth it. 
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It's 169 euro and it's paid for.

I'll be getting a BTC refund from Michael; this location allows for some privacy and quality recording, I heard mention of someone who might be documenting Stef's trip.


People who are going to be there for more than just the day: you might want to consider renting a bike. It'll be a fun way to get around town, and particularly on Saturday it's going to be the most reliable way to get anywhere.


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Least complicated way would be to send Michael some BTC! I'll be getting my refund from him. 
Anyway, do you guys have any particular plans / preferences for spending friday / saturday morning?
On friday I was thinking of at least paying a visit to http://www.museumvanloon.nl/
There's an exposition of childrens portraits through the ages that I find interesting: http://www.iamsterdam.com/en-GB/Ndtrc/400%20jaar%20kinderportretten
Will also be a fine opportunity to see one of the fancier golden-age canal houses from the inside.
I'm arriving the 24th, probably late in the afternoon.
I managed to find an affordable place to sleep at airbnb. Have a great trip!
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We'll cover the costs of the room, I just want everybody to have a good time without constant interruption from random people. :)


Major thanks to Ruben and Marius for all of their help. 


Many thanks Michael, truly appreciated. But I assume we are allowed to buy the pair of you lunch and dinner at least.  :D


Hey Ruben, I'm not clear what I'm doing Friday as I'm hoping to catch up with some old board friends in Veenendaal Friday. But that could be the evening rather than during the day of course. I'll PM you my mobile number of course, so we can arrange meet ups.

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Least complicated way would be to send Michael some BTC! I'll be getting my refund from him.  Anyway, do you guys have any particular plans / preferences for spending friday / saturday morning? On friday I was thinking of at least paying a visit to http://www.museumvanloon.nl/There's an exposition of childrens portraits through the ages that I find interesting: http://www.iamsterdam.com/en-GB/Ndtrc/400%20jaar%20kinderportrettenWill also be a fine opportunity to see one of the fancier golden-age canal houses from the inside. I'm arriving the 24th, probably late in the afternoon.I managed to find an affordable place to sleep at airbnb. Have a great trip!

I arrived in Amsterdam today and managed to hook up with Robin. Neither of us have any particular plans apart from getting lost in the city. I'll give you my phone number via PM if you want to meet up!
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going to come on Friday in this case.Lians, give me your phone number, ill be happy to meet up. What are you doing on friday?

I'll send you my number via PM but I suggest you contact TheRobin (on the board) for more details. I'll be a little busy in the morning so he'll be the one organizing the Friday meet up. We don't have any plans yet.
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