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Need Help Identifying Mental Disorder

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That is if such a disorder truly exists.


Is there a mental condition that causes someone so traumatized to experience stressful situations in a completely different way than what is actually happening? For instance someone who receives a beating and reexperiences it as a lewd sex act in order to dissociate and minimize the event?


I dunno what other example I can give but thats as accurately as I can put it.

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If you put you hand into a fire, you impulsively pull it out. If somebody holds your hand in a fire, you pass out.


If a person was beaten as a child--that is, a time when they had no escape--any number of forms of damage could manifest. One could be to translate the experience as pleasure in an attempt to regain control over the situation.


For what it's worth, I personally wouldn't concern myself too much with the specific name. Most names are given to such things in order to classify them as human defects. To conceal that they're inflicted by somebody that should be regarded as a criminal of the highest order for preying on children.

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