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Is it just me or is the iTunes feed missing a lot of podcasts?

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I noticed that there are some videos on Youtube that get uploaded on the FDR channel, but when it comes to searching for the podcast version of those videos (as there are usually) some tend to be missing. Like the Christmas Eve show isn't on iTunes as well as last Sunday's entitled Making Excuses For Evil.


Is it just my iTouch having this problem, is there a delay in between Youtube and iTunes upload times, or is it just for an entirely different reason that some Youtube comment doesn't make it to the iTunes podcast feed?

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The Call In Shows are uploaded in podcast form days after they take place, while we're presently about two weeks behind in publishing the videos. This is because we experimented with releasing each call as a seperate video and built up quite a backlog over time. You can only release so many videos per day/week without canabalizing the view counts. Now we're only two weeks behind and are releasing the call in show videos quicker so we'll be caught up in a few weeks.


All of the shows that you mention are in the iTunes feed... but we released earlier than the videos were published.

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