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Show Format Idea: Historically Accurate Epic Rap Battles


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There is a series on YouTube, Epic Rap Battles of History.  It's been a while since I've watched any of them (and maybe they are already passé) but the thought struck me: Historically Accurate Epic Rap Battles


It might be fun to do a couple of them (without having any concept of what it would take to produce one), and I'm sure it would be very entertaining to the audience :)

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I like the idea, but I think you'd really need to be knowledgeable of the arguments to please the audience. Fans of philosophers are hounds for mis-characterizations, simplifications, and loss of subtlety. On any video on youtube where a philosopher is discussed, at least half the comments are criticisms about these issues. I suppose this wouldn't be an issue if the audience was more casual, and could be marketed in a way that makes it clear to read the philosopher if you really want to know what they believed.


Here is a good song.

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My original thoughts were more along the lines of The Truth About X series where X is some revered figure... but in reality, they're total scumbags.


The "historically accurate" bit comes in when they brag about how terrible they are, like gangsta rappers who brag about their criminal activities.  We had some of that in the early podcast series where Stef role played a cop and a sergeant.

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