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ubuntu contributionism - South Africa's Michael Tellinger

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HiThis is my first post to the message boards. I've long been an advocate of liberty, freedom, and truth and was directed this week to the work of Michael Tellinger. He uploaded a video in December called Ancient Technology and the ubuntu movement. (I haven't provided a youtube link because I'm not that familiar with the rules. ) The latter 3rd of the 2 hour video talks about anarchy and his proposal for an anarchical community based on what he calls contributionism. His model has no money, no barter, no trade and only a requirement to assist the community for 3 hours a week for the good of the community to the best of your ability. Having listened to dozens and dozens of Stefan's videos on youtube, I see a great deal of similarity in their work and I was surprised to see no mention of Tellinger within the forum. I think a Molyneaux - Tellinger interview would be a fantastic listen. Would love to hear what others think AFTER they watch/listen to at least the latter portion of video. 

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"Assist the community" is an anthropomorphism and vague at that. "Good of the community" is similarly undefined, and subjective. "Best of your ability" would not be limited to 3 hours a week, nor would it be measurable. With no money, barter, or trade, the human race would go extinct.

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No rules against posting videos. You may even embed them with:


By the sound of it, what Mikey T is proposing is something along the lines of anarcho-communism which has very similar moral positions around coercion and the state, but actually diametrically opposed solutions. Often these left anarchists clash with the right anarchists. I've personally never seen a productive debate betwixt the two, but neither am I seasoned or an expert.


Stef talks to a caller about anarcho-communism around the 22min mark of this podcast:

1451 – Sunday Show 6 Sep 2009



And around 23mins in this one:

Sympathy for Communism - Freedomain Radio Sunday Philosophy Show, November 25 2012


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HiThis is my first post to the message boards. I've long been an advocate of liberty, freedom, and truth and was directed this week to the work of Michael Tellinger. He uploaded a video in December called Ancient Technology and the ubuntu movement. (I haven't provided a youtube link because I'm not that familiar with the rules. ) The latter 3rd of the 2 hour video talks about anarchy and his proposal for an anarchical community based on what he calls contributionism. His model has no money, no barter, no trade and only a requirement to assist the community for 3 hours a week for the good of the community to the best of your ability. Having listened to dozens and dozens of Stefan's videos on youtube, I see a great deal of similarity in their work and I was surprised to see no mention of Tellinger within the forum. I think a Molyneaux - Tellinger interview would be a fantastic listen. Would love to hear what others think AFTER they watch/listen to at least the latter portion of video. 

Are you familiar with the concept called the Non-Aggression Principle?

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