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Minarchal Inflation Government

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So I see myself as a minarchist. I definitely believe that social programs do far more harm than good. That taxation is largely inefficient, especially today with globalization so I have an idea. Why not just have the night watch institutions, lower taxation (remove corp tax completely) and give money via printing directly to each citizen every month adjusted to inflation? For instance £300 a month to each individual. Basically it would be trickle upward economics. No need for relentless bureaucracy.

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Hello inflation. Inflation dis-incentivizes saving. Without saving you don't get capital investment. Capital investment increases the efficiency of production. Without increases in the efficiency of production, the advancement of society stalls.


People might think "wow, I'm getting fiat for free", but they end up poorer than if they had to work for their money in a free and prosperous society.

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So I see myself as a minarchist. I definitely believe that social programs do far more harm than good. That taxation is largely inefficient, especially today with globalization so I have an idea. Why not just have the night watch institutions, lower taxation (remove corp tax completely) and give money via printing directly to each citizen every month adjusted to inflation? For instance £300 a month to each individual. Basically it would be trickle upward economics. No need for relentless bureaucracy.

Taxation is theft. Making it small may be preferable in the same way that I would rather be stabbed with a small spike than stabbed with a large sword, but it is still an evil initiation of force. I prefer the option of not getting stabbed and not getting stolen from.


Inflation is also theft, just indirect. You decrease the value of my bank account rather than taking money out. It is like stabbing me with a small spike in my sleep where chances are good that most of the time I won't notice it is happening. Also, not exactly the epitome of goodness and virtue but still an evil action.


No matter what you do, inflation will be higher than what you give people. If I take your 300 and then give you 300, I still am paid. So it costs you an amount to pay for me. You can't ever create this situation where you add labor and work and then make the inputs be exactly equal to the outputs when there are inputs that go to the salaries and overhead and paperwork and other such things.

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Taxation is theft. Making it small may be preferable in the same way that I would rather be stabbed with a small spike than stabbed with a large sword, but it is still an evil initiation of force. I prefer the option of not getting stabbed and not getting stolen from.


Agreed. To add to this, the making evil more efficient isn't something I'd be willing to promote.

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