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Boy, oh boy. I just got out of my BS geology class at uni, and my prof was spewing so much statist propaganda for over half the class period talking about natural threats to humans on this earth of ours, and how it's the governments responsibility to protect us with their money. In my mind, I could see myself jumping up on stage beside this human microphone for blindly consenting to evil, and debate him on every point he made. I have a feeling it's going to be a long semester for me, and I don't know how long I'll be able to hold my tongue before I verbally lash out at this guy from my front row seat in our auditorium style classroom. I feel frustrated, annoyed, and helpless. I understand of course it's my responsibility on whether not I engage this man or not on his misguided and destructive theories about how state power should be used to fund his rock hobby. Honestly, I could care less about what this asshole thinks, but it's just that there are roughly 300 of my fellow students may actually believe what he says. I have another professor for my sociology class I have to leave for in just a little less than a half hour, and she's the bad kind of feminist as well as a statist. I can't just help, but think about how these two instructors of mine have failed in the private sector after they had graduated with their degrees to turn back around to the state out of their udder incompetence to suckle from it's tits like a baby without the ability to function outside from under the breast of the state. 


Academia and government artificially select for particular traits, among which is a lack of life experience. This is why it's possible for a person to be exceptionally bright while failing to grasp something as rudimentary as supply and demand.



Good points, all of you. Thanks for hearing my rant. Like I said in my original post, I was feeling frustrated, and felt the need to voice my thoughts. I guess that may be because I felt the need for confirmation about my feelings and ideas, and that my peers don't/wouldn't necessarily agree with me. I don't want to see my peers around me hear their misguided professors reinfect them uncontested. I don't consort with any of the other students in either of these classes, so I don't necessarily mind their foul opinions of me, so I enjoy being a gadfly to the current social paradigm by any means. Someone has to stand up against these inconsistent and irrationally immoral theories, right? Fortunately enough for me I've been doing much better avoiding negative self-talk and chastising myself. I've also been improving my ability to unapologetic when sharing what I believe is the truth, what is moral, and what is necessary for spreading these ideas of liberty in society.


Academics typically do not have to compete in the free market. As such, they are going to be pro- that which forcibly eliminates competition: the big gun in the room known as government.

  On 1/18/2014 at 12:02 AM, dsayers said:

Academics typically do not have to compete in the free market. As such, they are going to be pro- that which forcibly eliminates competition: the big gun in the room known as government.

Well, of course. My geology prof mentioned on the first day of class that he has friends who work in the private sector who are millionaires and how easy it was for them to do it, and I immediately thought to myself, "Well, why in the hell do you teach at a university when you could be a millionaire doing something that is supposedly so busy? Because he's most likely a terrible employee and lacks the skills for success in the free-market."


I just had a thought. Yes, I have those from time to time.


There's a reason why they call them "intellectuals" and not "rationals" or "universalizers". I'd say "philosophers", but unfortunately so many people who are self proclaimed "philosophers" don't in fact philosophize much at all besides justifications for their own personal incentives and preconceived preferences.


The purpose of philosophy is to determine truth values in objective claims. True philosophy has nothing to do with personal incentives and preconceived preferences.


Oh yeah. Of course. Unfortunately, like the roads, military/police, education, and a million and 1 other things statists have their monopoly on language as well.

  On 1/18/2014 at 2:50 AM, Master Jay Paul said:
Unfortunately ... statists have their monopoly on language as well.


Fortunately, no-one has an effective monopoly on language. So you are free to refer to an imprisoned drug user as "caged", to taxation as "theft", to news as "propaganda" etc.


But to answer your original question:



Why are "intellectuals" so stupid?


They are stupid because their paycheck depends on it.

  On 1/17/2014 at 5:21 PM, Master Jay Paul said:

Boy, oh boy. I just got out of my BS geology class at uni, and my prof was spewing so much statist propaganda for over half the class period talking about natural threats to humans on this earth of ours, and how it's the governments responsibility to protect us with their money. In my mind, I could see myself jumping up on stage beside this human microphone for blindly consenting to evil, and debate him on every point he made. I have a feeling it's going to be a long semester for me, and I don't know how long I'll be able to hold my tongue before I verbally lash out at this guy from my front row seat in our auditorium style classroom. I feel frustrated, annoyed, and helpless. I understand of course it's my responsibility on whether not I engage this man or not on his misguided and destructive theories about how state power should be used to fund his rock hobby. Honestly, I could care less about what this asshole thinks, but it's just that there are roughly 300 of my fellow students may actually believe what he says. I have another professor for my sociology class I have to leave for in just a little less than a half hour, and she's the bad kind of feminist as well as a statist. I can't just help, but think about how these two instructors of mine have failed in the private sector after they had graduated with their degrees to turn back around to the state out of their udder incompetence to suckle from it's tits like a baby without the ability to function outside from under the breast of the state.


Intellectuals are so stupid because they developed their intellect partly as a defence mechanism and the more complex the intellect the greater its capacity to justify its irrational beliefs by running rings around itself and redefining things


How about sending your professor a friendly email saying that you disagree with what he said in the lecture because...pointing out the flaws in his arguments... and say because he is speaking to a diverse class who don't all share the same political views and so perhaps it is not appropriate to use it as a platform for advancing his own.

  On 1/18/2014 at 11:51 AM, ribuck said:

Fortunately, no-one has an effective monopoly on language. So you are free to refer to an imprisoned drug user as "caged", to taxation as "theft", to news as "propaganda" etc. But to answer your original question: They are stupid because their paycheck depends on it.

 When I said they have a monopoly I simply meant that as the majority if they all use a word to represent a particular meaning than that's basically what goes even though their sheer numbers doesn't make their misinterpretations correct, of course. I do see your point, and I actively try to remind people either in casual or academic conversions to avoid using any language that can be misconstrued. When they do use statist terms for things I also make an effort to correct them. "Arrest? You mean like normal men like you and I can remove you from wherever I am against my will and lock me room that I'm not allowed to leave, and if I try evading or escaping them at any time they'll shoot me dead? I thought those things were called kidnapping, holding hostage, and murder." *Sigh* It's really a shame that things even have to be pointed out. I mean, I'm 20 years old, and I believe I have an alright grasp on the whole application and implications of acting on philosophy thing, but how can most other people (>99%) not even have a fucking clue about what virtues are and how to act on them. I empathize with those who are curious, who have questions about the nature of our world, but are surrounded by people who just won't allow for their curiosity to flourish. And I understand those people (presuming their adults) are free to leave those relationships, but lack the strength of integrity to do so, because they likely haven't had the practice and training to prepare for such a terrifying false-self threatening endeavor... 


I think I have a more important question.


Why are you paying these people to lecture you on their immorality?


I mean you say you disagree yet you are paying large amounts of money to the schools that employ these people.


While I understand we are all trapped in societies dominated by the state and that we cannot step out of the system and really live all the things we preach. However there are plenty of optional things that further feed the system we can decide to do or not do.


Well from my point of view you are deciding to further support the system that created these people.


Edit: while I don't intend to edit the content I do believe my post needs a small clarification. I do not intend to be aggressive or attacking. In simply attempting to be direct and concise.


Too smart to realize that they are actually stupid.


Newton is the smartest human that has ever lived, he also spent most of his life trying to calculate the exact date for the rapture and trying to turn led into gold. Newton was a fervent catholic who died a virgin.


I say humans are dumb as fuck and most are too arrogant to realize how closely they resemble the other monkeys. That is why they make Gods, they don't want to be monkeys.

  On 1/21/2014 at 10:06 AM, LanceD said:

I think I have a more important question.Why are you paying these people to lecture you on their immorality?I mean you say you disagree yet you are paying large amounts of money to the schools that employ these people.While I understand we are all trapped in societies dominated by the state and that we cannot step out of the system and really live all the things we preach. However there are plenty of optional things that further feed the system we can decide to do or not do.Well from my point of view you are deciding to further support the system that created these people.Edit: while I don't intend to edit the content I do believe my post needs a small clarification. I do not intend to be aggressive or attacking. In simply attempting to be direct and concise.


Because the state demands that I earn a piece of paper to prove my competence to perform in my desired profession, personal fitness training and physical therapy. The university requires us to take prerequisite classes before we can enter into our major (as if 12 years of schooling prior to college isn't enough waste of our precious resources). I enjoy teaching people how to and assist them in healing their bodies, and luckily in this field I'll actually be subjected to the least amount of political bias compared to my fellow students. If we had a free-market I'd go get a loan tomorrow, purchase the equipment and facility I need, and begin my business tomorrow, but thanks to so many hurdles to enter the market a degree is preferable for being a personal trainer, and required to be a physical therapist. That's not to mention the business permits. I wouldn't agree that I'm actively supporting them. They'd get their pensioned paychecks with or without my ass taking up one extra seat in their lecture halls and classrooms. If this is the game their making me play to get where I'd like to go in life than I'll follow their rules. To me it's no more different than paying your taxes even though taxation is immoral. I'd just prefer to play along, take out student loans and subject myself to their propaganda, which to me is only a minor inconvenience to not spend my life practicing my passion.

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