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Panarchist Republic


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I have decided to form my very own micronation, IRL. The Panarchist Republic (palcemarker) will be a tax free haven that will promote free trade and peace. I have become infuriated with the growth of government, regulations , and taxes, and I can't find any nation to my liking. So I have decided to declare the Panarchist Republic. Here is the "constitution": https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwYBhJtU2sLjNVNIZU9ZWnhzSjQ/edit?usp=sharing . I am seriously figuring out details right now in regards to it. If you are interested, add me and we could PM. The idea is to form a givernance unit that will encourage competitive governance.


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No. Because all governance is on the governmental unit's level (read: panarchist governmental units). They will decide how a citizen wants to live. They can frely join or disassociate with one and join a new one orcreate one. They may also join none of the above. As long as they don't murder of steal, they would be ok. The government would govern the diplomacy and mediation of dispute with the panarchist governing units. Otherwise it is out of sight, out of mind. It is a Republic for simiplicity only. As for flag, not it does not. It is just like companies have seals and such.

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