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Warning! Shameless self promotion follows!


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Hello, everybody. I'm an author and I've published a couple of eBooks available for the Amazon Kindle and I thought I'd see what you all you fine people here thought of them if you were so inclined to check them out. The link below will take you to my Amazon Author's Page where you can find all my stuff in one handy place.http://www.amazon.com/Robert-Van-Dusen/e/B00A3BP6EQ/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1390070562&sr=8-1My books follow a group of military reservists, National Guardsmen and civilians dealing with a zombie apocalypse. The closest way I can describe the basic plot is sort of either the movie Battle: Los Angeles or Black Hawk Down meets The Walking Dead.

The main character tends to use Universally Preferable Behavior and negotiation wherever possible (I mean you can't really negotiate with zombies because...ya know...zombies). For instance in the first book she ends up leading a patrol out to forage for supplies and they come across a gun store. There's a man inside with a gun and a stand off ensues. A few of the people in her patrol are hot to just shoot the guy and steal his guns but she basically tries to convince the man to trade instead as they had just come from raiding an abandoned drugstore. Even though the other soldiers are basically shouting at her to let them go in and the man inside the store actually fires a couple warning shots at her they end up leaving empty handed because the man obviously wasn't terribly interested in doing business.Anyways, hope you all enjoy my stuff. They let me run free promotions every once in awhile or if you're an Amazon Prime member you can borrow them from the lending library thing. Thanks and once again enjoy! :D

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For those of you interested I'm running a promotion from 21 to 25 January. You can get my first book, Outbreak: Boston for free in the Amazon Kindle store. Enjoy and if you like it please either write a review on the book's page or at least tell a friend about it.  :thanks:

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