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Recommending Youtubers

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Greetings Earthlings!

I am making this thread in attempts to compile a list of quality Youtube channels regarding philosophy, astronomy, biology, etc. I admittedly do not get much of my information from Youtubers, but find that they are a preferred source for those newly embarking in philosophy, and have decided such a project would be beneficial for myself as well as others.

I am hoping to personally categorize channels & videos for accessibility for beginners as well as the more experienced in the discipline, and would appreciate the community's help in acheiving this by obtaining quality recommendations.

So thank you in advance!

Youtube Channels:

Stefan Molyneux

Gregory B Sadler





Alternative News:

Please feel free to share some channels you consider beneficial and of quality below.

& if anyone could explain to me how to permalink here, I'd appreciate it!

(I will be updating this thread regularly to ensure a professional standard)

- Philosarcophagus

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Not sure how you'd want to categorize these, but checkout :

  • Red Ice Radio (covers all those topics at some point)
  • Tragedy and Hope (focuses on current control structures and how to learn our way out of them)
  • 21st Century Wire (Alternative Media)
  • Hybrid Librarian (Interesting Facts/Mysteries)
  • Mark Passio (This one's fun, he gets into "the occult" but has a decent grasp of Natural Law, discusses the NAP)
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Larken Rose. He used to be more confrontational in style (in his videos; he was always laid back in his interviews and presentations). Lately though, he's been quite accurate and without the off-putting in your face style.


Alternative News:



I used to watch Breaking the Set. I ended up having to set it down. They did too much covering events, complaining about how politicians were doing things they shouldn't, but never sat down to talk about the fundamental error in turning to violence for solutions, or expecting the violent to adhere to standards after telling them that standards do not apply to them.

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Guest Exceptionalist

Quality means meeting the expectations, so what are your expectations? If you have defined your expectations, you have to find a way to measure them.

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My two favorite channels (besides FDR of course):

Elliott Hulse/StrengthCamp

Jason Blaha/JuggernaughtFitnessTV


Elliott takes a very holistic approach to strength, fitness, and general health covering a lot of functional body modalities, joint integrity, etc. On his self titled personal channel he talks about some of his pseudotheories on philosophy, spirituality, and mind/body integration. Jason Blaha talks more about the particulars in weight training programming and the science of nutrition. Combined they make a pretty formidable force of brain and brawn within the YouTube fitness community, and would encourage anyone, even if they're not into weight training, to check out some of the ideas they discuss and the manners in which they do.

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Guest Exceptionalist


I had assumed that as I am posting on Stefan's forums that it would be obvious that his content are my standard...Silly me. :ermm:


Rightly so, cuz this is not a fanboy site and there are different approaches in terms of quality possible. It is like saying, " I wanna eat a really good meal." How does it look like? "This is an American city, so I assumed it would be obvious, that junk food is the standard."  :turned:

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