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I started listening to and looking up information on peaceful parenting about two years ago. Since then, and especially in the last few months, I have become extremely excited to have a child and raise them free of force.


I am not looking to have kids for another 5 to 10 years, but my partner and I love to talk about all the awesome ways to educate and raise kids without force. I wouldn't have that without this community. I probably wouldn't even want to have kids due to my fear of them having the same experiences I did. And continuing to deal with things that shouldn't be issues, well into adulthood.


Some things I'm most excited about:

Staying home for a few years and getting to know the kid

Having my partner and I split time at home and therefore work less and be a family

Have the time and forced opportunity to look for alternative ways to make money/save money (which we've both already started on)

When the kid gets older, getting to do awesome and new things with the excuse of "my kids are interested and want to learn"

Finding answers to their questions (thank goodness for the internet)

Taking the time to really get to know my kids and raise the next best generation

Showing the world what amazing human beings children are (the most amazing)

Getting rid of alarm clocks and schedules

Getting a dog

Finding others in this community in my area

Passing on these ideas to my friends and family members through demonstration

Being a rebel in the best possible ways


This isn't an extensive or prioritized list, but just wanted to say thanks and share!

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Welcome to FDR. Please accept my huge gratitude in your interest to building for a peaceful future by not aggressing against your future child!


Larken Rose just released a cool video about how humans learn. It makes a great case for unschooling even though it doesn't intend to.

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I started listening to and looking up information on peaceful parenting about two years ago. Since then, and especially in the last few months, I have become extremely excited to have a child and raise them free of force.


I am not looking to have kids for another 5 to 10 years, but my partner and I love to talk about all the awesome ways to educate and raise kids without force. I wouldn't have that without this community. I probably wouldn't even want to have kids due to my fear of them having the same experiences I did. And continuing to deal with things that shouldn't be issues, well into adulthood.


Some things I'm most excited about:

Staying home for a few years and getting to know the kid

Having my partner and I split time at home and therefore work less and be a family

Have the time and forced opportunity to look for alternative ways to make money/save money (which we've both already started on)

When the kid gets older, getting to do awesome and new things with the excuse of "my kids are interested and want to learn"

Finding answers to their questions (thank goodness for the internet)

Taking the time to really get to know my kids and raise the next best generation

Showing the world what amazing human beings children are (the most amazing)

Getting rid of alarm clocks and schedules

Getting a dog

Finding others in this community in my area

Passing on these ideas to my friends and family members through demonstration

Being a rebel in the best possible ways


This isn't an extensive or prioritized list, but just wanted to say thanks and share!


That's a very sweet post!


I don't know how old you are, but you'd be shocked at how quickly 20-30 goes. 10 years may be too long to wait.   My wife and I started our family when she was about 32 which seemed young to us.  After taking some time to get preggers, lapses between kids, etc., she was nearing 40 by the time we had our third and then essentially ran out of time to safely have numbers 4, 5 and 6.


And our friends who started late and had miscarriages had it even worse.

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