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MBTI is the type of personality test, JSYK.  This is a better test to determine your type:



I'm also an INTJ (the "Scientist," "Mastermind," "Strategist," "Free-thinker").  For anyone who's familiar with enneagram, I'm a 1w9.


Edit: Famous INTJs include Aristotle, Augustus Caesar, Isaac Newton, Thomas Jefferson, Ayn Rand, Christopher Hitchens, etc.

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but you can be something else if you want it, cant you?also intj. many libertarians are intj. something to research.but you can be something else if you want it, cant you?also intj. many libertarians are intj. something to research.

Yes & No, if you answer the questions truthfully then you won't get something else & if you lie you could get something else
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INTJ every time I've taken the test over the years. Noticing a trend hurr


It can apparently change over time and depending on the environment you're in. So in the workplace I might be an ENTJ because the I is incompatible for my job, but I'll revert to INTJ as soon as I'm in my comfort zone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There are books on the topic by the author of the test, but i dont want to go so deep.

I think its good to have good evaluations, but not to let them stop you from changing what you want.Its true that most people stay the same, but they are on autopilot arent they? They are not interested on the topics discussed here...

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There are books on the topic by the author of the test, but i dont want to go so deep.I think its good to have good evaluations, but not to let them stop you from changing what you want.Its true that most people stay the same, but they are on autopilot arent they? They are not interested on the topics discussed here...

Very good point the personality test may shape us but it doesn't dictate us. I think personality tests fall under Know Thyself that's why I advocate for people taking it.
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I usually either get INFP or ENFP. I was very indecisive when taking this test. I'm more of an introvert wanting to be an extrovert. I'm often up in the clouds, when I should remain focus and contantly active. I'm feeler who thinks deeply and philosophically a lot, which often leeds to very deep feelings. and I'm a prospector, as I am too indecisive to pass judgment.

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I usually either get INFP or ENFP. I was very indecisive when taking this test. I'm more of an introvert wanting to be an extrovert. I'm often up in the clouds, when I should remain focus and contantly active. I'm feeler who thinks deeply and philosophically a lot, which often leeds to very deep feelings. and I'm a prospector, as I am too indecisive to pass judgment.

Yea in real life I'm a mix of introvert & extravert just depends on what social situation I'm in & I think that's how most people are.
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I took that one a while ago as well and got the same result.  INTJ.  I don't think that is a coincidence that we are all on the same board.


No, it's not a coincidence at all, particularly if you get into Jungian cognitive theory.


INTJs and INFJs share the common dominant cognitive function of "introverted intuition". Basically, what this function does is take various models from your subconscious mind that have been forged by past experiences, and whenever something does not "fit" the worldview, the mind kicks in and tries to understand. This manifests in attempts to find a solution, or simply to understand the truth - and derive a single unifying principle toward that end. Both of these personality types truly excel at understanding systems for this reason.


Many INTJs I have met are fiercely individualistic and often trend toward objectivism (like Ayn Rand), though the cynical can come up with some awful solutions (like Karl Marx). While INTJs more often focus on science and engineering, they can really step in and take a whack at human systems when they feel the need. With their secondary cognitive of extraverted thinking, which stresses organizing the external environment, they can be a real catalyst for change if motivated.


I wouldn't be surprised at all to see a fair INFJ community here, either (I am one, after all). They share the individualist bent of INTJs, and can be highly idealistic - and very passionate about those ideals. See Ron Paul, Calvin Coolidge, and Thomas Jefferson...


Most of the other personality types simply aren't interested in philosophy, or if they do - they trend towards moral relativism. So, yes - you're going to have a large sample of INTJs and INFJs here, which are actually quite uncommon in the West (1-2% of the population).

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Wow, it makes me wonder about the possibility of freedom in the future...

Considering that these types are rare and that libertarians are rare, and that this has changed very little.


We are both INTJs and anarchists and really happy to be :)


Anyone here go to PorcfestX?

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Most of the other personality types simply aren't interested in philosophy, or if they do - they trend towards moral relativism. So, yes - you're going to have a large sample of INTJs and INFJs here, which are actually quite uncommon in the West (1-2% of the population).

Well I must be a lost sheep then. I wonder if there are any other INFP's or ENFP's on this board. I suppose I am sort of a mix between the Prospective and Judgemental. I seek a definetive answer, yet I also keep an open mind and I change my opinions a lot. I identifiy heavily with stefans ideas, universals, and political philosophies greatly, yet I don't particularly share all of his attitudes regarding people and artists. I am still very interested in eastern philosophy, vibration, and the psychedelic experience, being that I am first and foremost a musician and artist.

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Well I must be a lost sheep then. I wonder if there are any other INFP's or ENFP's on this board. I suppose I am sort of a mix between the Prospective and Judgemental. I seek a definetive answer, yet I also keep an open mind and I change my opinions a lot. I identifiy heavily with stefans ideas, universals, and political philosophies greatly, yet I don't particularly share all of his attitudes regarding people and artists. I am still very interested in eastern philosophy, vibration, and the psychedelic experience, being that I am first and foremost a musician and artist.


Well, INFPs and ENFPs are an eclectic lot. Easily the most free-spirited of the MBTI. You never can tell what floats their boat. You all seem to be snowflakes, which is what humans should be in my estimation.


They are both strong in Fi (introverted feeling). This is primary within INFPs and secondary within ENFPs. Introverted Feeling deals with personal preferences, beliefs, and morals. If they feel strongly about a particular belief, or particular creative activity - there is little anyone can do to shake them of that. It's not simply a part of them, but "them".


Extraverted Intuition is the secondary process for the INFP, and primary for the ENFP. This is a very creative process, which takes somewhat random ideas and throws them together in an experiment. It often leads to great humor, interesting art, and bewildering conversations. ;)


But, all I've met seem to be freedom loving. If INTJs and INFJs had a rallying cry, it would be for truth. For INFPs and ENFPs it would be for expression of self. That said, it's hard to say you're in the wrong place.


Out of curiosity, what attitude did Stefan present on people and artists that you disagree with?

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I took a test a ca. 3 years ago and came up as an INTP.


My INTP profile stated:


"INTPs exhibit the greatest precision in thought and language of all the types; they tend to see distinction and inconsistencies in thought and language instantaneously. ...


Authority derived from office, position, or wide acceptance does not impress INTPs. Only statements that are logical and coherent carry weight. ..."


My INTP profile seems to fit my own observations, but it seems to be overly glorifying of my skills.


I took the 16personalities.com test just now and came up as INFP.

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Well, INFPs and ENFPs are an eclectic lot. Easily the most free-spirited of the MBTI. You never can tell what floats their boat. You all seem to be snowflakes, which is what humans should be in my estimation.


They are both strong in Fi (introverted feeling). This is primary within INFPs and secondary within ENFPs. Introverted Feeling deals with personal preferences, beliefs, and morals. If they feel strongly about a particular belief, or particular creative activity - there is little anyone can do to shake them of that. It's not simply a part of them, but "them".


Extraverted Intuition is the secondary process for the INFP, and primary for the ENFP. This is a very creative process, which takes somewhat random ideas and throws them together in an experiment. It often leads to great humor, interesting art, and bewildering conversations. ;)


But, all I've met seem to be freedom loving. If INTJs and INFJs had a rallying cry, it would be for truth. For INFPs and ENFPs it would be for expression of self. That said, it's hard to say you're in the wrong place.


Out of curiosity, what attitude did Stefan present on people and artists that you disagree with?

Both connect to me on that plain, but I think I lean slightly more to INFP. I am a 20 year old singer and songwriter, and I make a good living out of busking. I desire to further my music project State of Nature. I see it as as progressive music, but in a more philosophical sense. A means of healing and personal development through artistic expression. A rejection of the elitism, hierarchy, and coercion by monopolized institutions. Progressing towards the idea that all interactions between human beings should be completely voluntary, our actions only dictated by our minds, the universe, or as I like to call it the 'State of Nature'.


So in that sense I seek both Truth and and Expression, but I'm not the most logically intellegent guy. I failed mathemathics all through high school, I would get C's or B's on the assignments, and D's on the tests. I haven't read a lot of books, and I'm a little uncoordinated due to my lazy eye. I seek such a definitive all encompassing truth that I sometimes don't even know where to begin to start developing my own philosophy. I could use a little more discipline and education.


My only dissagreement is not of his ideas, but of some of his slightly cold attitudes when he criticizes and makes little jokes out of young people. kids who are already have their mentality outside of this statist system, but are even worse off due to there social awkwardness and lack of physical fitness. I can't refference the exact video, but he talks these 'noodle armed youths" as if he's making fun of them. I know he is correct, and it is good to acknowledge their wrongdoings, but I feel if he would react to them in a way which was more sympathetic, perhaps they would be swayed more towards the voluntaryist path. So it's just some of his cold dissconected attitudes towards a few little things that i cna see in a few of his videos. But maybe I'm just a bit of bleeding heart haha, this connects to my perception of stefan perhaps being more INTJ. I just think he could use more feeling. Maybe even some deep philosophical entrancing music to back his videos to draw in more artists and muso's, after all, Tool and Pink Floyd were the begining of my awakening to philosophy.


Another example would be a few of the things in the Justin Beiber video, sure he is right about beiber, and perhaps I would accept the millions if I were him. But I'd do my best to avoid making a empty pop album, instead I'd try to promote voluntaryism and create something truly epic haha, mindgasmic light shows, prancing around dressed in colouful capes and such, 12 string guitars, mystical, resonant and well ranging vocals. universal healing. I think if Stefan did some DMT with Joe Rogan, maybe we'd all be one. This may be the gypsy in my blood speaking a bit here haha... :P (damn my penchant for agnosticism)



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Both connect to me on that plain, but I think I lean slightly more to INFP. I am a 20 year old singer and songwriter, and I make a good living out of busking. I desire to further my music project State of Nature. I see it as as progressive music, but in a more philosophical sense. A means of healing and personal development through artistic expression. A rejection of the elitism, hierarchy, and coercion by monopolized institutions. Progressing towards the idea that all interactions between human beings should be completely voluntary, our actions only dictated by our minds, the universe, or as I like to call it the 'State of Nature'.


So in that sense I seek both Truth and and Expression, but I'm not the most logically intellegent guy. I failed mathemathics all through high school, I would get C's or B's on the assignments, and D's on the tests. I haven't read a lot of books, and I'm a little uncoordinated due to my lazy eye. I seek such a definitive all encompassing truth that I sometimes don't even know where to begin to start developing my own philosophy. I could use a little more discipline and education.


My only dissagreement is not of his ideas, but of some of his slightly cold attitudes when he criticizes and makes little jokes out of young people. kids who are already have their mentality outside of this statist system, but are even worse off due to there social awkwardness and lack of physical fitness. I can't refference the exact video, but he talks these 'noodle armed youths" as if he's making fun of them. I know he is correct, and it is good to acknowledge their wrongdoings, but I feel if he would react to them in a way which was more sympathetic, perhaps they would be swayed more towards the voluntaryist path. So it's just some of his cold dissconected attitudes towards a few little things that i cna see in a few of his videos. But maybe I'm just a bit of bleeding heart haha, this connects to my perception of stefan perhaps being more INTJ. I just think he could use more feeling. Maybe even some deep philosophical entrancing music to back his videos to draw in more artists and muso's, after all, Tool and Pink Floyd were the begining of my awakening to philosophy.


Another example would be a few of the things in the Justin Beiber video, sure he is right about beiber, and perhaps I would accept the millions if I were him. But I'd do my best to avoid making a empty pop album, instead I'd try to promote voluntaryism and create something truly epic haha, mindgasmic light shows, prancing around dressed in colouful capes and such, 12 string guitars, mystical, resonant and well ranging vocals. universal healing. I think if Stefan did some DMT with Joe Rogan, maybe we'd all be one. This may be the gypsy in my blood speaking a bit here haha... :P (damn my penchant for agnosticism)




Well, music is an incredibly powerful tool for broad communication, when the time is ripe for it. I would imagine that with all that is going on in the world, people will soon need some truth passionately belted at them. I wish you the best of luck, especially if you have influences such as Maynard and Pink Floyd. Two of my favorites - got a link to your project? Perhaps Stefan would be amenable to using some of your music. I did listen to a short podcast of him singing "wish you were here", after all..


As far as him getting cold, I can see what you're saying, though I haven't seen that particular video. That can happen when you think in systems, and compare reality as it exists to the ideal. I believe you are right - he should realize that shame is not the correct path to reach those people, and if he uses that tool he contradicts his own values. Just paint the vision. I would say in his defense, however, that for what appears to be an xNTJ he seems quite passionate about people and able to be quite intimate - which are typical difficulties for that type.

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Well, music is an incredibly powerful tool for broad communication, when the time is ripe for it. I would imagine that with all that is going on in the world, people will soon need some truth passionately belted at them. I wish you the best of luck, especially if you have influences such as Maynard and Pink Floyd. Two of my favorites - got a link to your project? Perhaps Stefan would be amenable to using some of your music. I did listen to a short podcast of him singing "wish you were here", after all..


As far as him getting cold, I can see what you're saying, though I haven't seen that particular video. That can happen when you think in systems, and compare reality as it exists to the ideal. I believe you are right - he should realize that shame is not the correct path to reach those people, and if he uses that tool he contradicts his own values. Just paint the vision. I would say in his defense, however, that for what appears to be an xNTJ he seems quite passionate about people and able to be quite intimate - which are typical difficulties for that type.

Yeah Here is a link to my song . The song is a bit dirgy, so I still have a long way to heal and develop so I can convey voluntarism. The recording is on a phone doesn't particularly do justice to my guitar technicality since I was mainly focusing on my vocal performance. but at least now that I'm making a living off music the only way is up, I can buy some high quality gear to get the perfect sound.and I'm really glad you can see what I'm talking about. But you are definitely right, he can be a really good feeler at times, especially in his more all encompassing videos like 'the story of your enslavement' and 'the sunset of the state'. I've heard him sing before, really smooth jazzy croon I heard in his 'summertime' song. Would love to hear his rendition of wish you were here. was the podcast in question uploaded to youtube? 

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I was going to post the results till I remembered my ego was a figment of imagination and it wasn't a requirement of replying! saying that it failed to detect any of my personality traits  :P

You seem like more of an INFP to me, welcome :D. So you support the somewhat nihilistic eastern philosophy then? and seek ego death as the ultimate form of psychological awakening?

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Hi william great name! the name of my son lol

No way know we are capable of more than a psychological awakening  :woot: it listed me as someone who complied with authority figures, someone who frowned upon those that didn't comply with authority, and then suggested if it didn't fit me, that I reconsider how I see my self which really made me laugh!

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Wow, it makes me wonder about the possibility of freedom in the future...

Considering that these types are rare and that libertarians are rare, and that this has changed very little.


We are both INTJs and anarchists and really happy to be :)


Anyone here go to PorcfestX?

I am not sure where your worry comes from.  Im an Ancap as well, but my personality is INFP.  There are a lot of things that make one an Ancap.  Inner health is the most important one I can think of, by that I mean, being psychologically healthy, largely gets rid of pure emotional responses, and reverts a person back to the rational thinking.  Rational thinking is where one can take everything into account, and actually consider it, instead of dismissing arguments out of pure emotion (fear).  

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Yeah Here is a link to my song . The song is a bit dirgy, so I still have a long way to heal and develop so I can convey voluntarism. The recording is on a phone doesn't particularly do justice to my guitar technicality since I was mainly focusing on my vocal performance. but at least now that I'm making a living off music the only way is up, I can buy some high quality gear to get the perfect sound.and I'm really glad you can see what I'm talking about. But you are definitely right, he can be a really good feeler at times, especially in his more all encompassing videos like 'the story of your enslavement' and 'the sunset of the state'. I've heard him sing before, really smooth jazzy croon I heard in his 'summertime' song. Would love to hear his rendition of wish you were here. was the podcast in question uploaded to youtube? 


Dang, can't see the link. :(


As for Stefan singing Floyd - it's apparently in the "silver" files section.

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I tend to vary between INFP/INTP/INTJ, with most results saying INTP and that's the one I can usually identify with when reading descriptions of it. It's a fun test but be careful about defining yourself by it. I think we all vary at times, I know I can be more or less extroverted/introverted depending on the circumstances.

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Well, music is an incredibly powerful tool for broad communication, when the time is ripe for it. I would imagine that with all that is going on in the world, people will soon need some truth passionately belted at them. I wish you the best of luck, especially if you have influences such as Maynard and Pink Floyd. Two of my favorites - got a link to your project? Perhaps Stefan would be amenable to using some of your music. I did listen to a short podcast of him singing "wish you were here", after all..


As far as him getting cold, I can see what you're saying, though I haven't seen that particular video. That can happen when you think in systems, and compare reality as it exists to the ideal. I believe you are right - he should realize that shame is not the correct path to reach those people, and if he uses that tool he contradicts his own values. Just paint the vision. I would say in his defense, however, that for what appears to be an xNTJ he seems quite passionate about people and able to be quite intimate - which are typical difficulties for that type.

I would guess Stefan is more of an ENFJ

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