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Accepting Donations: Letting the Free Market Provide

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I just noticed this the other day, and I found it empowering. Ben Rice, a young powerlifter with a youtube channel began accepting donations with the message that with the money he receives he'll invest in a new camera for higher quality videos. Now, just two days later he's posted a response video saying that he's already raised more than enough. I'll link the videos below. It really just goes to show that with the right audience and an honest request donations is a viable model for getting financial assistance. This is not to say that Stefan's tight-rope walk away from his old comfy salary praying that views like us would catch him has been enough evidence to prove our points. I just wanted to share that with you all.







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Has a very good model of this. It's a live streaming website with two main ways for the Streamers to make money.

1) Ad Revenue/single commercial breaks that the Streamer can choose if/when to play while he's online


2) Subscription Donation- You can select a monthly subscribe button to get bonus features/privileges in the live channel for a month, half of the proceeds get paid to the streamer.



Earlier in the month a good amount of dedicated gamers came together for AGDQ (Awesome Games Done Quick), where they held a week long marathon of professional gamers who 'skillfully' play and master games for direct donations.

 They raised over 1 million dollars in one week

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Provide value and you will be compensated. Once upon a time, I modded for video games. I was good at it too, very thorough. I actually had somebody offer me a donation and I was just doing it for my own pleasure and releasing them because why not?


I think the reason people don't believe this sort of thing happens is because of the way the state pretends to take care of everything for us AND takes half our money, leaving us with a whole lot less to put towards things we deem worthy.


Thanks for sharing this. I have my fingers crossed that more and more statists will see this sort of thing and contemplate why we really need a state at all.

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