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Justin Bieber: What They Aren't Telling You!

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From youtube, guy got +38 votes:



Justin Bieber is a talentless hack and an illuminati puppet... You are trying to get views by covering popular culture and by using eye-catching titles like "the Truth about MLK". You have NO IDEA how awful these people are and what their real purpose is. Bieber is another pawn of the SATANIC music industry. He didn't become famous because of his skill... He became famous because he signed the deal and has a look that they can sell and use to control the youth. You probably never heard of Monarch Programming and all the other MK ULTRA used in popular culture! This is a totally pointless video - you are absolutely clueless about popular culture and what's really going on.I love your show when you have people calling in and talking about relationships and terrible parenting... This is just fucking CRAP! You should be ashamed of yourself for covering this shit!


I can't tell if he's joking or not but then I went to his page: http://www.youtube.com/user/freeradiorevolution

Internet, never a dull moment.

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Definitely stirred up the pot with this one, not surprisingly.  Although I was surprised there was not a dark chamber full of exploitation and child abuse to be revealed with this one.  What?  No Slutwalk Of Family Collapse to be found?  He's just good looking and talented and that's it?  No sinister controversy!? Rabble! :P


I thought this comment had a good angle on it:


The problem people have with Justin Bieber (or at least I have with him) is simple: girls like him, even though he is effeminate and untalented. Us men try very hard to be masculine, because we think it will bring us attractive women, but then Justin Bieber--a completely feminine, weak-looking, generally overrated singer--comes along and destroys everything us men stand for (masculinity) by being the male "super-star" whom women adore. That is the reason I don't like Justin Bieber.



I've wondered why many of the adored celebrity males look so much like women. (Seems to be a hair thing: ONLY on the top of the head!!!  No chest or facial hair! Muscles, yes! But not hairy muscles!) But the corollary of this is that if you like being masculine you should not desire the women who are attracted to doll-faced pretty boys in the first place.  Win Win!  If you're categorizing males you should also categorize the women who are attracted to them as well, then you can hopefully avoid the envy.

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@Wuzzums: ahahahaha: the satanic conspiracy run by a powerful cabal in the background. Occasionally I'll meet someone in real life who actually believes in grand conspiracies. I usually tell them: I've researched it for over two years and there's hardly any evidence/facts that validate that claim. Philosophy and economics are way better for understanding current events.


@nathanm There's plenty of women who dislike "pretty-boys". Also women that want a beast-sized man (musculin/strong).

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