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Just got out of a relationship with a single mom. Should we make a compendium


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Here is a list of things that were confirmed on the hazards of dating single moms


My three month experience


1. Non educated and no hopes to advance in a job (15k to 20k annual salary). On antidepressents, but doesn't know what SSRI means, along with other areas where no cultural literacy abounds.


2. Had to pay for 90 percent of dates


3. Canceled going out on the weekends 90 percent of time.


4. Talked about ex's all the time, but wouldn't talk about why she was attracted to them in the first place


5. Unpaid student loans, thus never getting a trade let alone a degree.


6. General lack of responsiblity when it comes to court meetings (not showing up).


7. Lack of drive to better oneself


I'm embarassed to admit to lowering my standards just for sake of romantic companionship.  On my way out I encouraged her to get back with the father of her son, but then realized that he was just as bad (bad credit, low paying job, unrealistic hopes of getting a degree).  Poor little fellow doesn't stand a chance.  Seeing this all in action up close really was an eye opener.  Never again.

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