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"Keep the f*ing candy"

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Does anybody know which Youtube video that line is from? I can't remember the title, and my searches have been unfruitful.


In it, Stefan likens government officials to schoolyard bullies taunting a child (metaphorical voter) with a piece of stolen candy in a game of keep-away/monkey-in-the-middle.


I think it was posted in the last year or two, and was a fairly short by stefbot standards, like ~20 minutes or less.

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By the way, I am pretty good at finding FDR content. I've heard nearly every podcast and I have mad search skills, so I am game to help anyone find something from any show.


I'd love to give you a challenge ;) :

There is an older podcast in which Stef mentions violent fantasies about his mother while he is on a bus in africa. I'm pretty sure that it was a conversation with a listener, but I might be wrong. Anyway that part really stuck with me and I would love to listen to the whole thing again. Searching for myself I only came up with FDR766, but that's not it. Maybe you have better luck :)

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There is an older podcast in which Stef mentions violent fantasies about his mother while he is on a bus in africa. I'm pretty sure that it was a conversation with a listener, but I might be wrong. Anyway that part really stuck with me and I would love to listen to the whole thing again. Searching for myself I only came up with FDR766, but that's not it.

I'm having trouble finding it so I have a couple questions. Are you sure it's in the public stream? Is it when he and the missus are on vacation in central america? Is it the one where he's talking to a listener about the value of the sort of office space, take the printer out into a field and crush it with a bat sort of thing?

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Are you sure it's in the public stream? Is it when he and the missus are on vacation in central america? Is it the one where he's talking to a listener about the value of the sort of office space, take the printer out into a field and crush it with a bat sort of thing?

-It's definitly not in the donator-sections, so yes.

-No I don't think so. Stef was alone on the bus (noone he knew) and pretty sleepy so he dozed off into these fantasies. He might be quite young and visited his dad.

-Crushing things with bats rings a bell, could be it.


Edit: And the essence of the conversation was that this fantasies and feelings weren't his rage, but his mother's, which applied to the listener's situation as well.

Edited by Bastii
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