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stef's material on psycho/sociopaths


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note: http://freedomainradio.com/Podcasts.aspx is giving me network error


i vaguely remember stef had a sunday call-in about how to deal with your significant other being a sociopath as well as several podcasts and youtube videos titled something else that talked about removing sociopaths and spotting them in your life.


would anyone be so kind as to link them

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I wish the definition of the two were clearer. I remember Stef once describing the psycho as somebody who would rape and the socio as somebody that would coercively seduce. Or maybe it was the other way around. I forget. I remember looking into the differentiation only to find that some sources say they're the same thing and others were polar opposites in the distinction.


So my interest, particularly in light of the legions of made up mental illnesses, is in the physiological differentiation between the two.

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