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Suggestion: Chat --> IRC

Alex Bell

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At least in part of the android development community, people who can actually write code are annoyed by people who don't know how asking them to code things for free.  I humbly bow before anyone who can program, and respectfully ask that you find a way to convert the chat feed into IRC or some other protocol I can use in my external chat client.  Unfortunately, Firefox 26 on Ubuntu 13.10 suxx and I'd like to not need to use it to chat.


Gifts of Gold, Frankincenses, and Myrrh be showered upon he who accepts such a challenge (in the form of thanks and a beer).

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I would suggest giving Chrome/Chromium a try.  It's not quite as heavy as Firefox and the chat seems to work well in it.


I don't mean to put the kibosh on this as a project, but I would request that anyone who wants to do this as a project have a chat with Mike or myself so that we don't lose features, or at least have good reasons for not maintaining them.

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I'm not suggesting replacing the chat you guys use, though I'm more of an open source fan the software you guys use is definitely slick.  I'm thinking something that's more of a server that "scrapes" new posts, broadcasts the text over IRC, and then allows the reverse process for posting.  I'm not sure if this is technically possible since there isn't an API (I emailed the developers), I'm not sure if there's any way to differentiate the text, who posted them, connecting nicknames with FDR accounts.  Haha the more I think about it from what little I know the more difficult it seems, but when I mentioned it some people said they'd also like IRC access and I thought maybe someone would enjoy the challenge.

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