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Can't do this anymore


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I will always respect and look up to you Stefan but I do NOT have your Stammina and I am falling behind.  I was a Master in the Martial Arts years back and was an Acupuncturist as well.  I developed this new psychology based on duality and opposites.  It is very simple and describes thermodynamics and sexuality (based on Micheal Focult phlosophys on sexuality)


I think You have HONOUR Stefan and wish I could keep up.  My mind is stuck in the mud and the transmission is broken so the wheels don't turn anymore.  I am so confused I don't know where I am half the time.


Here is the Samaria PSychology I helped to develope.  http://ashesmi.yolasite.com/lsd.php  it is the Book called Psychology1.doc Be well Stefan and Veryone, I am off line for as long as it takes to get better OK?

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Stef doesn't earn credit for having stamina or honor. He earns credit for making the choice. You didn't mention what it is exactly that you can't keep up with. But I wanted to point this out so that you will know that if you don't meet a goal you set for yourself, it's not because of stamina or honor, but because you made a choice. Either you chose to set a goal you couldn't achieve or you chose not to achieve an attainable goal.


For what it's worth, I'm sort of on a hiatus myself. Mine's more of a pause in between study sessions to not get burned out and to evaluate what I've just learned.

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I'm going to talk about the OP as if he's gone because he said goodbye, but if you look at the original post from a mecosystem standpoint, there is a part of ashesmi that feels worn out and is asking to be heard. Perhaps he wants to be heard by Stef, or those of us on the boards – if so, he's using a dishonest way to achieve it – but using willpower to act against a part that wants to give up doesn't work. Perhaps withdrawing is exactly what he needs, so that he can focus on hearing himself. From that comes the energy.

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