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Source on dissatisfied wives


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I don't know where Stef is getting his information about this, but I have something to say about it.
What does it mean to be dissatisfied?
What it's not is living with abuse, infidelity, drug abuse and other reasons you've probably heard before.
Other reasons that could be considered a part of this dissatisfied category are like:
- economic trouble
- lack of commitment
- too much arguing
- lack of preparation
- marrying too young
- unrealistic expectations
When I'm dissatisfied with a restaurant I frequent, it may be because I didn't think about it before hand that it's a Chilean restaurant and I now know that I dislike Chilean food. Maybe they raised their prices and it no longer makes a lot of sense for me to eat there anymore. Maybe the people there are off-putting and give terrible service. I stop going.
There are a lot of ways that a person can be dissatisfied, and to make it clear for this discussion, I think the proper distinction is between dissatisfaction and the real ugly bad stuff like abuse and infidelity.
It isn't terrible to end a friendship on such grounds, but when it's a marriage involving children, the stakes become much higher and the need to prepare becomes crucial. And the amount of data and commonsense that surrounds this issue is as reasonably expected information to have as the reality that smoking causes cancer. For somebody not to know that divorce leads to terrible results for children, they would literally have to be living under a rock.
Given that, the dissatisfaction reason becomes almost contemptible, if not contemptuous.
One accumulative report on the reasons given for divorce is here.
It looks like this:
Infidelity                     18.4%
Incompatible                   16.4%
Drinking or drug use           9.0%
Grew apart                     8.2%
Personality problems           7.8%
Lack of communication          7.4%
Physical or mental abuse       4.9%
Loss of love                   3.7%
Not meeting family obligations 2.9%
Employment problems            2.9%
Don't know                     2.9%
Unhappy in marriage            2.5%
Financial problems             2.0%
Physical or mental illness     2.0%
Personal growth                2.0%
Interference from family       2.0%
Immature                       1.6%
Other                          3.3%
So, pretty overwhelming in the dissatisfaction category, I would say.

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