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Captain N - And Psychodynamic Theory


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I used to love this show when I was a kid. I have just watched the first couple minutes or so of the first episode and the show is freakishly Kleinian!



We have an evil enemy called Mother Brain who is cruel and sadistic to her minions.  They are snivelling approval seekers who have a rivalry with one-another and laugh at each others misfortune when the other is the one being bullied. Then the "good princess" ie. kind mother - two of her servants are small and childlike, and humble themselves before her.he other is adult/grown-up, arrogant, and his intentions are more adult. He gets rejected by the good princess whenever he tries to get too close. Splitting?


This is the idea that mother is harsh but mother is also good - she can't seriously be the same mother? surely not?


The evil Queen, 'Mother Brain' , wants control, so she can be the "beautiful queen of video land" IE. colonize the position of the "good mother". The good mother is hopeless, ashamed of herself because she is worried that she will let down those in her care by falling to Mother Brain. She longs for some boy hero to save her.


The kids say they "must cheer her up." The adult male arrogantly proclaims that he's the only one who can actually do it.

(I've got to be a big strong boy for mummy. ?) His arrogance is always instantly punished throughout the episode by misfortunes.


Ultimately the hero is sucked into a fantasy world where he is expected to save the good mother and the "children" from the evil mother and her minions and win her approval, as everyone seems very doubtful of his abilities at first. If my analogy holds true he has an Oedipal fascination with the Princess.


At the very end of the first episode the hero is going to leave Videoland to return to his own world, but hears the voice of his own mother remind him to take out the trash and clean up his room, he is warned off playing his childish video game "again"... not wanting to return to that environment he decides to "stay in Videoland a little bit longer" (escape his FOO by videogaming.)


The whole thing seems eerily like a big childhood projection.

I myself remember fantasizing about how cool it would be to get sucked into my nintendo and be like Captain N.

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