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'F**k the EU': Tape Reveals US Runs Ukraine Opposition


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ronpaulinstitute:   In the latest debacle for the US State Department and the Obama Administration, US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was caught on tape micro-managing Ukraine opposition party strategies with US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt. That the Ukraine regime-change operation is to some degree being directed from Washington can no longer be denied.


The taped conversation demonstrates in clear detail that while Secretary of State John Kerry decries any foreign meddling in Ukraine's internal affairs, his State Department is virtually managing the entire process. The "F**k the EU" part is her expressing anger that the EU is not moving fast enough with regime change in Ukraine and her plan is to get the UN involved in the process.






A final bit of irony in the US government reaction to the bombshell tape is State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki directly accusing the Russian government of being behind the tape and expressing shock -- shock! -- that a foreign government might be spying on the US. "A new low," she called it. It's only OK if we do it!



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