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Train derailment [Dream]

Olle Persson

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Hey everyone,
I had a dream this morning that made a mark, I feel it has a big significance in my life and I would like to hear your comments.
I'm in the backseat of a mini bus, we are traveling on a highway and the traffic is very chaotic and I'm scared we are going to crash. Cars are suddenly stopping, turning in front of us, some cars pass us by with just a mm/inch to spare. The drivers isn't concerned with the chaotic traffic, like an indifferent cab driver in rush hour or something.
Somehow we get to a railroad in the midst of a meadow, and we are supposed to wait for a regional train to takes us somewhere. But there is a huge hill and a tight turn right before the meadow and I'm scared the train is going to derail because of the tight turn following the steep hill.  I leave the group and climb the hill instead, just in case, so I'll will be out of harms way if anything were about to happen.
I'm now standing on the hilltop next to the railroad and I see the train arriving, it slows down to a slow speed at the edge of the hill. As the train begins to descent the first car looses connection with the locomotive and the train starts racing down the hill and derails at the thigh turn about were the group previously were standing. I realize I'm wearing hearing protection so I take it off and hear the screams down below and I believe I got them back on again.
A moment later a tractor on the rail is climbing the hill but hasn't enough speed to make it. I can see the driver pulling levers in panic as to break the backwards motion, he stops but he crashes next to the railway, he doesn't get  out of the tractor, he is laying there motionless.
I don't think this is a good sign....
What do you think?
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What happened the day before the dream? Do you have any big life events coming up? What associations have you made so far? (These are some standard questions to ask about dreams).


I'm just going to look at it as if it were my dream, and so please disregard associations that you wouldn't make.


I would take this as (at least in part) a good sign, since you get out of the bus and get out of the way of the oncoming train. I would look at it as a prognostic sort of dream.


Buses and trains are big and clunky and don't navigate in ways that make it easy to stop or turn around. Which seems like a clear metaphor for a life in which you feel a lack of control, and a potentially dangerous lack of control at that. And the driver of the bus is obviously not connecting with the fact that there is danger, which indicates an unconscious avoidance of something.


You get some distance away from the bus and the similarly unconscious passengers, after it's moved away from a dangerous amount of traffic. So once you've gotten the opportunity to distance yourself from this, you take it. I would assume that this is the present part and that you can easily see what that may refer to, since this is the part where you've become active (which I'm equating to conscious). Especially considering you are now on a hilltop with a better view of things.


I wonder what the hearing protection is... Could you be conscious of how bad something is, but are trying not to feel the emotions you have around it? I don't know...


Do you feel relief that you avoided being a victim to the crash, or are you more horrified? Does this emotional response fit a potential big life event in some way?


It can be helpful to focus on the elements of dreams that wouldn't make sense if they happened in real life. Like:

- Nobody is concerned with how dangerous the traffic is

- the train track is built in a completely impractical way

- there's a tractor on a train track

- the man in the tractor (is still alive?) but just lies there motionless

- you have hearing protection for some reason


Also, do emotional responses feel familiar with other things in your life you might have the same response to. If it fits the dream symbol's metaphor, then I'd say you've got yourself a valid analysis.

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What happened the day before the dream? Do you have any big life events coming up? What associations have you made so far? (These are some standard questions to ask about dreams).


I'm just going to look at it as if it were my dream, and so please disregard associations that you wouldn't make.


I would take this as (at least in part) a good sign, since you get out of the bus and get out of the way of the oncoming train. I would look at it as a prognostic sort of dream.


Buses and trains are big and clunky and don't navigate in ways that make it easy to stop or turn around. Which seems like a clear metaphor for a life in which you feel a lack of control, and a potentially dangerous lack of control at that. And the driver of the bus is obviously not connecting with the fact that there is danger, which indicates an unconscious avoidance of something.


You get some distance away from the bus and the similarly unconscious passengers, after it's moved away from a dangerous amount of traffic. So once you've gotten the opportunity to distance yourself from this, you take it. I would assume that this is the present part and that you can easily see what that may refer to, since this is the part where you've become active (which I'm equating to conscious). Especially considering you are now on a hilltop with a better view of things.


I wonder what the hearing protection is... Could you be conscious of how bad something is, but are trying not to feel the emotions you have around it? I don't know...


Do you feel relief that you avoided being a victim to the crash, or are you more horrified? Does this emotional response fit a potential big life event in some way?


It can be helpful to focus on the elements of dreams that wouldn't make sense if they happened in real life. Like:

- Nobody is concerned with how dangerous the traffic is

- the train track is built in a completely impractical way

- there's a tractor on a train track

- the man in the tractor (is still alive?) but just lies there motionless

- you have hearing protection for some reason


Also, do emotional responses feel familiar with other things in your life you might have the same response to. If it fits the dream symbol's metaphor, then I'd say you've got yourself a valid analysis.


Thank you for the reply.


I'm in IFS-therapy so I'm using that terminology. 


Well, the day before the dream I was having alot of internal conflicts, I woke up and part of me didn't want to keep going, it was to tired of all of my internal conflict I think. Later on the day I saw a post on FB where stef was asking what people did at the age of 10 which activated a angry part of me who was upset at my parents for not supporting/loving me so I could explore the world and do all the cool stuff other people did. 


Later on at work I had a sensitive and hurt part of me which made it difficult to converse with angry customers because it felt as I was being attacked or had done something wrong. After work I was so exhausted that I zoned out at the computer, I don't know if I used headphones but if I did maybe that could be the connection to the hearing protection. A part of me wanted to protect me from hearing the other parts maybe.


I'm having a ongoing conflict right now, I need to find internship and parts of me are scared of applying and others are afraid of not finding anywhere to be. This maybe contributing to the sign of lack of control, I'm not "in charge" of myself because of all the conflicts.


The tractor reminds me of a memory I have of my father, he was driving his tractor and I was sitting in his lap and we climbed a steep part of a hill and I was afraid that the tractor would flip, and later when I got out I remember being impressed that my father dared to do that. 


I think I felt responsible for not saying to the other people that they should get out of the way or climb the hill, that staying there was a bad idea. But I don't remember any strong emotions about it, at least it think so.


Could you explain "do emotional responses feel familiar with other things in your life you might have the same response to"

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I hope you don't mind me being a little personal.


Well, I'm terribly sorry about the lack of support and love. Really. I have some experience with that one. It's something that is so fundamental, primal, existential that it feels like there is nothing else, really. At least, it feels that way for me. If you're conflicts involve not thinking that it should feel so important, then, seriously, fuck that! It is important. It's really god damn important.


The fact that you get angry and hurt is proof that you care about yourself enough to know that you want that for yourself, and that you clearly see that neglect for the injustice that it was. And it is seriously fucked up to treat a child like they aren't important enough to receive very basic support and connection. I can't even imagine putting my future children through that.


I think possibly the most important aspect of a dream is what you decide to do in it. And you get out of a dangerous situation. That, to me, seems like a good sign.


What I meant about emotional responses is simply, are there strong emotional responses in your dream that you remember? Are they familiar? Could they potentially match anything going on currently in your life?


Emotions can clue us into what the meaning of our dream symbols are.


Concerning internal conflict in general, I think it can be really important to make the distinction between what is your conflict and what belongs to other people. This podcast is really great:


You Are Not Conflicted - A Listener Conversation


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Thanks Kev, I really appreciate you saying that.


Yeah its one of my greatest loss, and I fucking hate that, I hate them for that! I remember visiting friends house and I was amazed and saddened when their parents simply ask me what I thought about something or showed any kind of interested in me. It feels like I have been so handicapped from my childhood, low self esteem, anxiety.. And I get frustrated when I look around me and it feels like I'm the only one with any kind of problem.


Anyway, at least as you said I wasn't in front of the train when it crashes but I don't feel a familiarity with the feelings i had during the dream but I will definitely remember too look for that.



Great podcast, thanks for the tip. In someway it feels good to hear that self knowledge takes time, I wished I've gotten it from the start. 

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Yeah its one of my greatest loss, and I fucking hate that, I hate them for that! I remember visiting friends house and I was amazed and saddened when their parents simply ask me what I thought about something or showed any kind of interested in me. It feels like I have been so handicapped from my childhood, low self esteem, anxiety.. And I get frustrated when I look around me and it feels like I'm the only one with any kind of problem.


Great podcast, thanks for the tip. In someway it feels good to hear that self knowledge takes time, I wished I've gotten it from the start. 

Self knowledge is kinda strange since the things we realize about ourselves are things we already on some level know. Many things, anyway.


If it helps, I don't think you are alone. I can surely relate. And some people are so disconnected that they have no idea how much pain and anger there is below the surface. I suspect that it could be some people's avoidance of their own anger and pain that could trigger your frustration since what it serves to do is make you feel alone in it. It feels like another denial of your honest experience. At least that's something I've noticed for myself.


Another related thing, I think, is self care. I didn't receive much in the way of caring beyond cooked dinners and laundry and there was very little affection in my house, so learning to take care of myself, like making sure I eat right, simply hygiene habits, getting exercise, being fiscally responsible and all this sort of stuff, I had to ask (much to my own embarrassment) friends, landlords and bosses how to do what for them was second nature.


I'm making up now for years of not taking care of my teeth, doing very regular dentist visits racking up a steep bill. Similarly, I never learned how to become connected with myself (or taught not to be connected, maybe) and so I'm doing regular therapy and spending a lot of money there. I resent the fact that I have so much to do there, but at least I actually am finally taking care of myself and undoing that damage, and that, to me, feels like relief from that background tension that I feel around needing to feel connected, taken care of and feeling that I have value.


If that makes any sense.

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Hey everyone,
I had a dream this morning that made a mark, I feel it has a big significance in my life and I would like to hear your comments.
I'm in the backseat of a mini bus, we are traveling on a highway and the traffic is very chaotic and I'm scared we are going to crash. Cars are suddenly stopping, turning in front of us, some cars pass us by with just a mm/inch to spare. The drivers isn't concerned with the chaotic traffic, like an indifferent cab driver in rush hour or something.
Somehow we get to a railroad in the midst of a meadow, and we are supposed to wait for a regional train to takes us somewhere. But there is a huge hill and a tight turn right before the meadow and I'm scared the train is going to derail because of the tight turn following the steep hill.  I leave the group and climb the hill instead, just in case, so I'll will be out of harms way if anything were about to happen.
I'm now standing on the hilltop next to the railroad and I see the train arriving, it slows down to a slow speed at the edge of the hill. As the train begins to descent the first car looses connection with the locomotive and the train starts racing down the hill and derails at the thigh turn about were the group previously were standing. I realize I'm wearing hearing protection so I take it off and hear the screams down below and I believe I got them back on again.
A moment later a tractor on the rail is climbing the hill but hasn't enough speed to make it. I can see the driver pulling levers in panic as to break the backwards motion, he stops but he crashes next to the railway, he doesn't get  out of the tractor, he is laying there motionless.
I don't think this is a good sign....
What do you think?


The first thing I noticed about your dream is you start on a  minibus. Whenever I am interpreting a dream and someone is in a  moving vehicle I always associate that with them not being in control of where they are going, someone else is driving. if they are the driver then I think it means they feel responsible for the people on the bus, or people see them as a leader.


The bus stops and people get out. Things are going nowhere. You predict that disaster is going to strike, but no one else seems to notice. One thing is for sure you can't wait around and rely on a potentially dangerous train. You take control and go off on your own, following your intuition.

As predicted, disaster strikes those who wait around for someone to take them where they are wanting to go. The person driving the train can't control it, it's not even that he wants to harm, things have just gotten out of hand and now there is nothing he can do.


You can't hear ie. your ability to empathise has been diminished, but you reclaim it and hear the screams of the victims. You feel sorry that their ignorance and blindness and lack of initiative led them to disaster.


Not made much sense of tractor thing at the end.

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I see the dream repeating in 3. For me, a three-fold repetition tells me that it is very important and that the dream is telling me the same thing in three different ways in the hope that I will get it in at least one of them


I also have the benefit of taking input from others who have gone before me :P


Here is what I see in a nutshell:


1. Bus that is driven by a bus driver. Leads to many close calls of near-death. People are not in control of their lives and they have close calls, and eventually die in number 2.

2. Bus people now wait for a train where the train conductor is in control. This results in death.

3. There are a few people who didn't die, but are screaming in torturous pain. Now the tractor driver is in control and they all die.




4. You wake up, take control of yourself, go off by yourself and as a result, you live. You look back from this point and feel so sorry for the people who did not come with you.


I would ask you, in your life, who was the bus driver (past controlling your life) who was the train conductor (current controlling your life) and who is the tractor driver (future controlling your life).


Also, will you let them control your life in the present and the future (which in the dream, if you let the train conductor control your life, you are helpless to the tractor driver), or will you take control of your life and make it out before the trainwreck comes?

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I see the dream repeating in 3. For me, a three-fold repetition tells me that it is very important and that the dream is telling me the same thing in three different ways in the hope that I will get it in at least one of them


I also have the benefit of taking input from others who have gone before me :P


Here is what I see in a nutshell:


1. Bus that is driven by a bus driver. Leads to many close calls of near-death. People are not in control of their lives and they have close calls, and eventually die in number 2.

2. Bus people now wait for a train where the train conductor is in control. This results in death.

3. There are a few people who didn't die, but are screaming in torturous pain. Now the tractor driver is in control and they all die.




4. You wake up, take control of yourself, go off by yourself and as a result, you live. You look back from this point and feel so sorry for the people who did not come with you.


I would ask you, in your life, who was the bus driver (past controlling your life) who was the train conductor (current controlling your life) and who is the tractor driver (future controlling your life).


Also, will you let them control your life in the present and the future (which in the dream, if you let the train conductor control your life, you are helpless to the tractor driver), or will you take control of your life and make it out before the trainwreck comes?



Number 4 resonates with me.


I will take control over my life, this is a process I've begun recently. I haven't felt like I was in control over my life for a long time so this makes a lot of sense to me.

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