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Importance of non-violent child rearing derided by Hoppe


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Just wanted to add that Stephan Kinsella has changed his mind entirely on spanking now. This was after a telephone conversation he had with Stefan apparently. Unfortunately he made the announcement on Facebook, which makes it nigh on impossible to find right now. But it was a public posting, so you might be able to Google dredge it perhaps.

Changed his mind from pro spanking to anti-spanking? Since the video?

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Changed his mind from pro spanking to anti-spanking? Since the video?


Yes, from memory he now believes it's a violation of the NAP.. That said, I don't think he's ever claimed to be pro spanking. As he mentioned in the video, he doesn't feel the need to spank his own children.

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Putting logic aside, we all know how Hoppe's work brought about amazing advancements in the spread of libertarianism. Oh, right, measuring progress is for those who actually participate in the market. This video is an excellent example of why you need self-knowledge, particularly if you work in philosophy. It reminds me of Rand's dismissal of anarchism. The old dinosaurs sure feel threatened by the approaching asteroid of consistency.

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I didn't feel so bothered by their arguments against spanking, it was rather the laugh they gave which made my whole body chill. I just wanted to vomit after hearing that first barrage of laughter.


Jeffrey tucker was the only speaker there that I knew of with respect, thankfully he didn't say anything or laugh but his inaction to comment made me feel uncomfortable as if he was assessing his own parents and the consequences if he were to say anything (he is religious).


This just reminds of a few snippets and articles I've seen from the 1950s where panelists in the New York Times, began laughing about the how ludicrous the idea of stopping to beat their wives was. These articles in this very popular paper said that you need to beat your wife and she will turn out alright. I don't want to be on the side that would make any supporting arguments towards violence, perhaps in 30 years people will look back at us in horror for these acts.

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I don't have the old articles but here is an interesting source that came up:




You should also remember how children used to be abused in schools right with physical attack.


Morality is expanding I don't want to be on the end that wants to explain that they're sorry for beating their own children.

My parents wouldn't do it for me, I'm not going to repeat the same mistakes that they made.

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would be interesting to hear him talk about his change


I attempted to dredge it up, but to no avail I'm afraid.. Either he has changed the privacy settings or it's the utterly useless way Facebook allows you to trawl through a persons wall. Which with Stephans minor celebrity status, can make it quite the challenge.


That said, there is an interesting tool, which will bring up every post that any of your Facebook friends have written. Since I only follow Stephan I am unable to search his posts this way. But for anyone that is a Facebook friend of his, then they might want to give it a try. From memory the post was made either in late January or sometime in February. Good luck! :)




Edit - He mentioned Stefan by name using his Facebook name link. So it's entirely possible that Stefan can go to the top of Stephan's page and check their friendship via the drop down menu next to 'message' (hit 'see friendship'). This will only present the posts that Stephan mentioned Stefan with by name linking. Just a thought of course.

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  • 6 months later...

Yes, this was very disappointing on various levels. For example, in the case of Hoppe, given his immense logical faculties, one would expect that he would refrain from deducing from what he believes his own experience is, to what is generally true. Even if we accept that spanking didn't hinder him from finding the philosophy of liberty, it doesn't follow that this is the case in general.


As a huge Hoppe fan I was also greatly disappointed to see him so unilaterally dismiss the point without any analysis. By the way, I don't know if we could say that he turned out alright, since in his youth he was a marxist, up until his late years as a university student, as far as I understand it. That might say something about the fact that the parenting strategy he was subjected to was not the best in the world.

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