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A Twitter conversation on Circumcision


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Richard Dawkins ‏@RichardDawkins  14h

Can you imagine the outcry if this was happening to white, blonde girls?" http://bit.ly/LOVmBq  France's tough stance on #FGM is working.

Posted ImageFriendly Hacker @friendly_hacker

@RichardDawkins Is there an outcry for boys being genitally mutilated? Calling it circumcision makes people forget what it's going on?





@friendly_hacker @RichardDawkins It is not the same. It's valid to be against circumcision but not if you are going to equivocate the two.

Posted ImageFriendly Hacker @friendly_hacker

@ComicJimBruce @RichardDawkins A Rabbi cut's a baby's skin off, baby goes into shock from the pain, and then the open wound gets kissed.





@friendly_hacker @alastairmcgowan @RichardDawkins Removal of foreskin comparable to removal of clitoris? Are you joking?

Posted ImageFriendly Hacker @friendly_hacker

@FiScottMcGowan It cuts off 3ft of veins, arteries, capillaries, 240ft of nerves, more than 20k nerve endings.





@_waferthinmint some studies suggest a circumcised male is less likely to contract AIDS. http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/prevention/research/malecircumcision/ 

Posted ImageFriendly Hacker @friendly_hacker

@ComicJimBruce @_waferthinmint AIDS is even less likely if you completely chop off your dick. Would you think using condoms works better?
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Guest Exceptionalist

Yeah bro, chopping off some skin and nerve fibres irrevocably is mutiliation. These dudes probably think that  a major fire cannot be considered a catastrophe because a tsunami causes more damage. If some part of the body is irrevocably destroyed by an external action, yeah, that's mutilation. 

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I don't understand how people can be totally fine with mutilation, and then suddenly become disturbed when it's revealed that mohels are performing fellatio on infant boys. Both are completely unholy and terrible, obviously, but I'm inclined to think that mutilation of a person's genitals is worse. I know which one I would have chosen if I had the choice.


What kind of a sick fuck invented genital mutilation?


The future will be appalled.

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I had a discussion on this yuesteday because someone posted up about female genital mutilation in the guardian,


apparently 3000 women have been treated in the UK for that since 2011 but it is ILLEGAL here

an estimated 30,000 boys are circumcised here A YEAR and it is legal


no one could empathize effectively with that even though I myself had been circumcised coming from a  jewish family

people minimized it and said this was about men opressing women

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I found the whole thing very telling because, here we have someone coming out proposing to care about women who are being genitally mutilated.

Then here we have someone who has actually been cut, and the person is completely unable to empathize.

When it comes down to it it's completely easy to get on board with causes or care about people you have never met, and likely are never going to meet.

It's how you interact with people first hand and how you treat them in person or when you come into contact that really counts at the end of the day,

not whatever values and principles your espouse or say you stand for. Words are easy in the abstract.

Being kind, knowing how to empathize, that's what's really important.

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I think you've made an explanation on why "culture" is so dangerous. Our culture tells us that circumcision is normal and advantageous even though the real world tells us that it is traumatic, destructive, and unnecessary.


Empathy definitely plays a role because we're talking about being against THEIR cultural mutilation while "OUR" cultural mutilation is acceptable.

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