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The Atlantic - Public schools actually superior to private schools.

fractional slacker

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Statist magazine publishes article supporting statist schools. What did you expect, honest journalism? Warning:  It's so full of delusion and confirmation bias it could make you sick.


Take this gem as an example:

Religion aside, why are parents spending so much money to send their kids to private schools?

CAL: That's a great question, and some economists that have looked at these types of conclusions are really confused by that. Why would somebody pay money for a service that is apparently inferior to one they could get for free?




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School being better than other school says nothingt


the whole education system is anti-empirical and does not teach the way people learn, nor does it support cultivating an attitude of life-long learning.


Any measures of success within it are measures of the wrong things, such as performance on standardized tests.


the majin skill taught in school is memorization which is the least useful skill the the information age where everything is available at the touch of a button.

plus, the way they treat children is inexcusable

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