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Three Myths of Behaviour Change


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i'll start off with notes


myth one

 education will change behavior


telling 20%


how you present information

1make information tangible

2personalize information

3interact with other people


loss adverse

appeal to audiance

give information audience cares about


myth two

you don't have to change attitudes to change behavioar

attitudes follow behavior

set behavior expectations


connect to values

conserve resources

understand values


myth three


people think they know what motivates them


social norms

saw someone else do it

experiment results rather than what people say


social norms and modeling

show social norms in correct way



now to create some sentences, with some figures pulled out of nowhere, the the principle is the point


90% of prisoners came from abusive homes, do you want your child to be in prison?

90% of millionaires came from families that practiced peaceful parenting and pro capitalism values, do you want your child to become a millionaire?


behavior of happy and successful adults includes X 90% of the time

behavior of unhappy and unsuccessful adults includes Y 90% of the time


create a movie/ picture of a mother spanking her child in prison

create a movie picture of a mother and child doing different peaceful parenting activities and being happy, maybe a family sitting at a dinner table telling stories, or a child reading a bedtime story with her mother and father.


Got  stefan molyneux  beliefs?

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I guess I'm proof positive about the knowing your audience point she made. I became much more resistant once the focus turned almost exclusively to "climate change" and using the word "green" to mean something other than the color. Partially because almost nobody talking about conservation, climate change, pollution, etc EVER brings up that coercion is the biggest polluter of all.


I disagree with when she said that when building green buildings, saving money is secondary. Everything we do is motivated by profit. Even if that means building a building that might cost more, but will be more appealing and therefore generate more revenue. This is one of the fatal flaws in things like the Americans with Disabilities Act and smoking bans. If it's good for business, people will do it without the gun to their head. If it's not what people want, putting guns to people's heads won't be helpful.


Oh and she went on to say eliminate waste when waste can only in fact be reduced.

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  • 2 weeks later...
90% of prisoners came from abusive homes, do you want your child to be in prison?

90% of millionaires came from families that practiced peaceful parenting and pro capitalism values, do you want your child to become a millionaire?


90% of prisoners coming from abusive homes, is not the same as: 90% of all of the abusive homes produce a prisoner (not that i agree with any form of abuse)


90% of millionaires came from families that practiced peaceful parenting and pro capitalism values, is not the same as: 90% of all people raised in families practicing peaceful parenting and pro capitalism values, become millionaires.



Lovely stats btw and they are indeed correct, but i do believe that what i just stated is more true than what you stated.

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90% of prisoners coming from abusive homes, is not the same as: 90% of all of the abusive homes produce a prisoner (not that i agree with any form of abuse)


 stats about abusive homes, and stats about people that end up in bad places, can work together. there is power in both i think.



90% of millionaires came from families that practiced peaceful parenting and pro capitalism values, is not the same as: 90% of all people raised in families practicing peaceful parenting and pro capitalism values, become millionaires.


stats about both means and ends make for a good combination i think, and your example points that out.


what you stated can be used in combination with what i stated, and i think that creates a more powerful ad

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