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Please read and review my book! :) I think it is amusing (and it's free).





Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were caught in the middle of a monkey civil war? No... probably not?
Well you can find out in "Pursuit Of Doom"!

Do you enjoy mysterious tribes that are up to no good? I do, and I think they are pretty cool, especially when they are getting deep into parliamentary procedure during debates on whether "people killing" should be allowed.

"Pursuit Of Doom" is a compilation of stories and plays written over the last ten years and edited down to the purest nectar of absurdity. It will fill your need for stories about beavers having existential crises, and murderous (but hilarious) lunatics.

Don't forget the need you never knew you had for vibrating socks and men in leather pants!

Indeed not a word goes to waste in the pursuit of anything but the finest craziness that would make Monty Python jealous.

If Douglas Adams were still with us he would probably say "Pursuit Of Doom" is better than Vogon poetry.

The creators of South Park would probably be very amused if they read "Pursuit Of Doom".

So you see if these bright luminaries of comedy might have had something nice to say if I asked them, then certainly this is a book that everyone should read!


I've set it to be free from Feb 17th to 21st... So if you would kindly download it and give it some reviews that would be swell.

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