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Obama $1 Billion Climate Change Fund


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President Obama said here Friday that he will propose a $1 billion fund in his fiscal 2015 budget to help communities prepare for the effects of climate change and to fund research and technology to protect against its impact.


Obama's track record: http://blog.heritage.org/2012/10/18/president-obamas-taxpayer-backed-green-energy-failures/



The 2009 stimulus set aside $80 billion to subsidize politically preferred energy projects. Since that time, 1,900 investigations have been opened to look into stimulus waste, fraud, and abuse (although not all are linked to the green-energy funds), and nearly 600 convictions have been made. Of that $80 billion in clean energy loans, grants, and tax credits, at least 10 percent has gone to companies that have since either gone bankrupt or are circling the drain.


Looks like Russia has a competitor.

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It's just an excuse to distribute money to his cronies.


It'll be just like this.


This is a common tactic used in former Eastern Bloc countries, particularly after the fall of the USSR. They siphon money off the taxpayers through large funds. The money ends up in the politicians' pockets or is used for political influence. Looks like the president of the USSA has been doing his homework.

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