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2 player PC games to play with girlfriend?


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Heard Stef mention in an early on podcast that he and his wife had played Neverwinter Nights together!? Can't remember if it was 1 or 2.This has me extra motivated to take advantage of my girlfriend and mine's passion of games and dig in to a good one. I'm even thinking Neverwinter Nights 2; nothing wrong with old school or dated, especially since it will be that much easier to run it on our laptops.Any success stories for 2 player gaming? Thanks everyone, looking forward to input from philosopher gamers!

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What kind of games do you each like? What is both of your previous gaming experiences? If minimal, what kind of board games or card games do you each like?


To some extent, this is like asking what the best food is. While there are some that are generally better than others, if I know what other foods you like I am much more likely to pick a new food that you will like.

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RPGs are my favorite.


I'd recommend that you start with Torchlight 2



Ahhhh, great man that's great. I've played TL 1 but totally forgot about it the 2nd being multiplayer! Thanks! 


uh wrong joystick  ;)  :P



Hahahaha yes, yes indeed. 


What kind of games do you each like? What is both of your previous gaming experiences? If minimal, what kind of board games or card games do you each like?


To some extent, this is like asking what the best food is. While there are some that are generally better than others, if I know what other foods you like I am much more likely to pick a new food that you will like.


I like games like Phantasy Star Online and she likes Oblivion, Morrowind, Zelda, etc. She hasn't liked turn based combat but she thinks maybe she could get into it with the right introduction.

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You could check out Path of Exile. It's free to play and a very good dungeon crawler like Diablo.


Also Minecraft! It's very very easy to setup a little server for you guys to both use and pkay the game together. Or you can find a dedicated server to join to play together with others.


If you like MOBAs both Dota 2 and League of Legends are free to play.


Then of course there is the ridiculously long list of F2P MMOs. Though you're best bet is to Google for reviews and such to find the one you want in the style you would prefer.


Really the options are so limitless your question is unanswerable. Do you guys like RTS? Get any of the Total War games and play a co op campaign together.


Or do any of the other 1.5 billion things you could do because almost every single game released has a multiplayer component.

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A thing that came to my mind was the SNES game Secret of Mana 2. I remember playing that with a friend a while back and it was quite fun. He also played it with his girlfriend, who isn't even really that into games, but enjoyed it none the less. It's a kind of action/adventure/rpg with nice intuitive controls and a cool fantasy story. (Or at least I remember enjoying the story when I last played it, which was quite a while back though).

Just get an emulator on the PC with at least two joypads and you're good to go basically.

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I mostly play by myself but I have wanted to do the co-op in Portal 2 for a long time, that could be fun.


How much do you know about this? I was thinking about trying to do it solo by having it running on two machines that I am in control of. Can't get enough Portal. The thematics are very well done and the idea of story/dialogue/song as reward is creative. Just spent this past weekend at an out of state friend's house overnight and half the time was spent watching him play 1 and 2 since he never had before.

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I've beaten the single player story but I haven't tried any of the co-op.  I don't know anyone that plays it and I worried that if I tried co-op with a stranger I'd get some horrible eleven year old.



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If you're looking for some other co-op games to play, I recommend the following. You can usually find these for cheap during sales on various game sites like Steam.


Titan Quest Immortal Throne

Path of Exile (free)

Sacred 1, 2Silverfall + Silverfall: Earth AwakeningBorderlands 1, 2Loki

Lord of the Rings: War in the NorthDungeon DefendersMagickaDead Island

Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

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If you're looking for some other co-op games to play, I recommend the following. You can usually find these for cheap during sales on various game sites like Steam.


Titan Quest Immortal Throne

Path of Exile (free)

Sacred 1, 2Silverfall + Silverfall: Earth AwakeningBorderlands 1, 2Loki

Lord of the Rings: War in the NorthDungeon DefendersMagickaDead Island

I didn't know dead island was two player that rocks. Thanks so much for the heads up all. Will let ya know how it's going!

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  • 4 weeks later...

The wife and I spent many cold winter nights inside playing Diablo2 in LAN mode.  It's a pretty fun game to play together and it has the added benefit of supporting up to 8 players in LAN mode.


I no longer have a winblows box but I hear that it is possible to get the old game to work on Linux in some sort of emulation mode.   It's been a couple of years since we played but it was always a lot of fun -especially when we could get friends to come over and make a LAN gaming party.   We never really enjoyed all the BS that went on playing over in Blizzard's public D2 servers.  So much cheating and hacking and kiddie flame BS.  I've often thought about trying D3 but there is no LAN mode and I really disliked the childish BS of the public servers so we never tried it.


The nice thing about D2 on LAN mode is that it is pretty much free, and I had a bunch of programs to run gear stashes and whatnot so we could jump off playing fun rather than scrabbling at first to find decent gear. 


Like it was said above, the oldies can be goodies. 

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I'm a driving nut, but I've found that even people who aren't driving nuts enjoy the game 1nsane. It is between $10 and free, depending on where you look. It is great for LAN with 2 PCs and needs only keyboards. It has capture the flag, king of the hill, and other non-race game types.


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