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Who has been to Hungary?

fractional slacker

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Diversity is one of those foggy terms folks like to toss around to feel morally superior. Yet I have never seen those same people call for diversity when it comes to atheism, voluntaryism or anarchism.


I don't know if this is newsworthy. But I have found Ramzpaul a humorous and interesting fellow. In this video he touts reasons to visit Hungary. 


I guess you could call him a libertarian nationalist. Nationalism is his biggest flaw. Aside from that he is good at pointing out the absurdity of 'progressive' newspeak and the general hypocrisy of the left.




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I went to Hungary as a kid with my family many years ago, and I remember trying to order food this one time. We tried english, french, italian, romanian and pictograms. In the end we did manage to order food, granted it was the wrong order but food nonetheless. It was pretty funny.

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I went to Hungary as a kid with my family many years ago, and I remember trying to order food this one time. We tried english, french, italian, romanian and pictograms. In the end we did manage to order food, granted it was the wrong order but food nonetheless. It was pretty funny.

That sounds quite challenging. You know you are in for a struggle when you have to resort to communicating via pre-language methods.

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I'm really smiling at this, thanks!  I find it funny that his 5th reason is "girls" -- shouldn't he be dating women by now?!


But, I could relate with his reasons.  I spent quite a lot of time in central and eastern Europe, and I do remember the Hungarian people being very hospitable, not "diverse" if one likes that, and quite open to others who look like they do!  Same thing for Poland, the Baltics, Scandanavia--hardly a shade beyond pale as far as the eye can see, once you are out of the major cities.


Also, the women are more feminine, no doubt, and still dress like women.  And Old Europe is just gorgeous, both in natural landscapes and great towns and cities.  Real cities with great architecture and fascinating history all around you--I just love that and for that will always be a fan of what I called in my first assigned travel article "The Other Europe".  Ah, those were the days, many years ago now. :)


Good luck with your travels and keep us posted!

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  • 2 months later...

Ramzpaul is now a target of the speech police over at SPLC. This article is hilarious.




Stefan has a ways to catch up. He is still in the minor leagues. But I have a feeling his anti feminism will catch the attention of the Speech Police Little Commies.



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