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Deprived of Charity

Josh F

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I have been watching these very uplifting youtube "prank" videos where people give large tips or other helpful charity to people who could really use it.  The people who receive the $100 or $200 are brought to tears and hugs with joy and appreciation. 


Comparatively, I got on food-stamps for 3 months years and years ago.  I went to the welfare spot, and the amount of disgruntled entitled belligerence from the welfare recipients was disgusting. 


I can't help but wonder if one of welfare's most destructive qualities is a society without frequent acts of kindness.

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I can't help but wonder if one of welfare's most destructive qualities is a society without frequent acts of kindness.


I think this is absolutely true, and for two reasons. The first being that welfare programs leave folks with less disposable income. The second being that it leaves folks with less perspective. "I won't give because they're already being taken care of."

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Right, and the people don't have to see the face of the donator, or feel the appreciation towards that specific person.

Nor does the donator get to feel or be appreciated for his kindness. Of course, with regards to welfare, their actually is no donator, the money was extracted from a taxpayer under threat of being abducted and locked in a cage for years on end.Kindness and charity has been replaced with hopeless dependence, resentment and coercion. It's so tragic.
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