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Time Distortion and a History Field Trip (A Strange Dream I Just Woke Up To)


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I was on the back of a school bus on my way to a history field trip, along with my grade 12 english teacher, but my elementary school classmates all as adults. When we reached the place, I rushed to the front of the bus before anyone could get up and got off the bus. My teacher, let's call her Ms. Gale (I'll tell you why later), wanted to ask me about why I was late for class again. Apparently my lateness caused the rest of the class to be late and I apologized for having insomnia. I was very open with her in saying that I needed to restock on some marijuana in order to start sleeping on time again.


We all stood in the hallway of the history museum and some old guy came out to greet us. Everyone in my class cowered aside, far from me, Ms. Gale, and the historian dude. I got confused so I cowered away ending up in an awkward empty space between my classmates and Ms. Gale and the historian. But she only noticed me stepping away even though there was a class of 30 more people who took significant steps back. She asked what I was doing while laughing and then waved us all over to follow the historian.


I went into a staircase to see people practicing dance moves, this part seems out of place...but it was there nonetheless.


Actually everything in the middle seemed out of place because it didn't have much to do with history to begin with. I just remember the rest of my class all seated at rows of desks drawing or writing, while I roamed around the room looking at candy in the built in convenience store of the history museum. I finally decided to sit at a desk and that's when everybody got up and left to resume the tour.


I vaguely remember seeing a co-worker from a few years ago and mocking the way he spoke to some faceless person, but that faceless person just told me to leave himself and the former co-worker alone.


What really gets me about the dream is the end though. We were all back in class and were supposed to write about our experience at the history museum, but I didn't have any blank paper to write on. I asked a dude next to me if he could give me some but he ignored me. His binder was on his desk and I asked "is it okay if I get it myself then?" And still he ignores me. I go through my papers with printed notes on them and try to imagine ways to write on the very small empty spaces then realize it'd be hopeless to try. Near the end of class that's when I snapped and got everybody's attention.


I said, "ok you know what? I didn't do any of the work and I'm not going to. Studying history is stupid. I mean it's okay to know what happened before, but only if it helps change the now, which it hasn't. History repeats itself right now in Afghanistan." I referred to my English teacher as Ms. Gale even though that's not her name, rather a name I gave to a character I made for a novel Im writing in my real life. She's loosely based on her, but anyway. I continued to start parroting one of Stef's speeches and said, "to think that murder for prestige can be moral." And I wanted to go on with what else he said in the video called Soldiers, Peace and Freedom, but that's when I woke up.


I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on that. I'm too lazy to hand write this and decided to just type it and since I'm typing it and you guys have a knack for helping in deciphering dreams, I guess I could share in the process.

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