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Convert FDR podcasts to .TEXT files?


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I was curious if any fans of the podcast have converted the .mp3 files to .TEXT files. I would appreciate having many of the FDR podcasts in a .text format because it would be easier for me to be able to read and study his topics. Does anyone have suggestions or advice for this option? It would not only benefit me, but I assume many others :thanks:

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Since this topic of trans-media is satisfied, mind if I do a minor jack? I was wondering if anybody knew of a way to convert an ebook to an audiobook faster than realtime. I can get Kindle for PC with Compatibility Plugin to open an ebook and NVDA to read it aloud. However, this is limited both by being realtime and that it will only read what is displayed at one time. I can make Kindle read aloud faster than the MicroMachines guy, but reconstituting it in post only makes it sound more synthesized to the point of being unbearable.

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Thanks Kevin for the wonderful resources! :D  It is a great help and I appreciate all the listeners that took the time to transcribe all those podcasts on the one website. 

No problem at all! :)


Another tip, in case you want to find a podcast where Stef said something in particular, you can google search the content of these sites.


That looks like this (inside the google search field):

site:http://readfdr.wordpress.com/ "I like turles"


site:http://freedomainradio.info/index.php/transcripts/ "anarchism FTW"
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